GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“Meh… I’d rather listen to my CDs.”

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After seeing this I really, really, want a panda raid boss, just look at the health bar on that thing.


Happy Mother Day to all the Mothers out there!!


“Recipe For A Mother”
‘By Me’

“A caring heart and loving sighs.
A gentle touch and words so wise.
A spark of mischief in her eyes.
All these make a Mother.”

“A warming voice, a hand to hold.
A cheerful glow, a laugh so bold.
Arms that shelter from the cold.
All these make a Mother.”

“When the day grows dark with night,
And the shadows fill with fright,
She’ll be there to hold you tight.
Until the healing morning light.”

“Years to treasure, thoughts to keep.
Bedtime stories to help you sleep.
Hugs and comfort when you weep.
All these make a Mother.”

“A knack for games, a decent throw.
An endless source of things to know.
Encouragement to help you grow.
All these make a Mother.”

“When the world seems too unfair,
When your dreams just bring despair.
Just call her name and she’ll be there.
For a Mother will always care.”

“Home-cooked meals, a special treat.
Toys that sparkle, whistles that tweet.
Desserts that taste all gooey and sweet.
All these make a Mother.”

“Baths full of bubbles, tickling toes.
Soft cotton tissues, for a small runny nose.
A trunk full of treasures, and pictures and clothes.
All these make a Mother.”

“Not Friend or Neighbor, Spouse or Lover.
Not Teacher or Mentor, Priest or Brother.
Not Sister or Critter or any other,
Can match the love of a Mother.”

/courtly bow

Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Ending Spoilers

As Guinan noted in earlier Episodes only members of Q’s Race can kill another Q so Q dying means someone of his species(or knew them in and out) dealt his true Body a fatal blow.

The fact that a powerful explosion that Borg Queen Jurati protected the Federation from happened after Q’s death and that members of the Q Continuum die by exploding in Supernova means that Q’s true Body was in that specific Time Period and perished very close to where the Explosion happened.

Who could possibly have attacked Q I wonder… Of course he might have just been a Sentient Star that died of Old Age. Or he may have been MLP’s Discord and had someone bring Order to the Realm of Chaos causing his death because they didn’t know that the Realm of Chaos needed Chaos to sustain Discord.


Was Picard a movie too?

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Not as far as I’m aware of. The last Movie of Star Trek’s Main Timeline is Nemesis which involves Picard’s Clone(who was treated of a genetic hearing disorder that Picard may or may not have cured himself of) who was dying of not having been rapidly aged in time causing his body to start breaking down requiring a full blood transfusion from Picard(with Deleted Scenes saying it would have bought him only 2 years) and also wanting to eradicate Earth’s life(going out in a blaze of glory basically).

Star Trek Picard Spoilers

John De Lancie mentioned that he has had footage shot for Season 3 though whether it is resurrection, flashback or simply Picard meeting Q in the Afterlife in his final moments is unknown.

If Q’s death sticks and is given no explanation then Hasbro might as well swoop in and take over the job of explaining Discord’s eminent passing(the MLP G5 Comics have him still alive by the way so he is alive during G5) from Paramount.

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If I knew about the show I would of watched it, than again I don’t want to pay for plus channels like Disney +.


I read an article the other day about a future world being at stake. (In regards to Activision/Blizzard) There was previous articles that Microsoft claimed buying Activision/Blizzard will help build a metaverse.

This feels so weird to me. Why is this a thing? Is this why housing has been being pushed? Or do players genuinely want housing? Have none of these guys ever heard of Sim City? I have a hard time believing they haven’t… I even tried out that game, when it was widely popular but it failed to grip me. The Warcraft universe isn’t sim city or a metaverse… It is a fantasy setting… some areas more high fantasy than others, with fantasy creatures.

Quoted from one of the many articles.

Mike Sepso, CEO of esports infrastructure platform Vindex, served as an executive at Activision and Blizzard after the merger. Regarding “World of Warcraft”, he said: “This is a virtual world where your virtual person can walk with friends, create tribes, and fight together.”

The point is why is this even a thing? Why keep mentioning it in news articles anyways? Quit advertising something that doesn’t make sense. It makes as much sense as Yuval Noah Harari trying to sell human beings “a new philosophical paradigm for humanity.” (Which reminded me of a certain ending of a character in SLs.)

Anyone want to inform me of why this is happening and might have more knowledge on the subject than me. Seriously, put in metaverse and Activistion/Blizzard in a search engine. I don’t enjoy reading about it. As it feels like a bunch of hot air with currently no action. Can we like, just enjoy the game again please? Lots of fun content. Proper funding and time in development. Are they going to start letting this happen yet? Those are the things I want to read…

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I’m tempted to get season 2 on dvd. I’m not a fan of some of the new trek and Sir Patrick has really really aged, but there seemed to be a sparkle in the eyes again when he engaged in scenes with John DeLancie


My personal theory on making races every class and maybe housing a thing that,

That they are using tactics to gain players.

They want the player base to leave to be able to shut it down without too much backlash.

They seem to be doing what is unpopular by the player base, maybe Bobby’s revenge to sabotage the game before he hands it over and loses his position.

Yes, I would like panda druid and panda paladin, but if it doesn’t make any sense to lore than I’m cool with it and take no for an answer.

Tauren mage and Orc priest don’t make any sense. There is not any lore connection. The leader of the Grimtomb tribe was a shaman teaching dark shamanism.

Why would Tauren would be interested in magic or even do with it? No offense to Tauren they are not that intelligent or gifted to learn arcane magic. As for the orcs the relate to shamanism for guidance not the light.

If they ban add ons completely, that would be it for me. I have a disability and add ons help me play well as everyone else and I want to hide my imperfections and add ons help keep it that way.

They ruined WoLK for by removing dungeon finder.

I don’t want to be held hostage by a toxic abusive tank or healer. DPS are a dime a dozen.

I don’t want to spam chat LFG for 2-3 hours. I’m time limited I’m sure most folks are too.

Since everyone else will be spamming LFG it will be impossible to find the group to whisper because it would be buried.

Boosters are most likely to take over the entire game if you want a quick run without sitting for 2-3 hour forming.

I would of played WoLK > DF, I was looking forward to an expansion I wanted to play that I never played and it’s ruined.

Player housing I think it would be cool for RP’ers and to clean up Moonguard.

I would say most players would feel the same judging by the posts and arguments put into threads.

But, yes I think Bobby is sabotaging the game in some ways, because he got caught and didn’t like it.


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World building or creating a metaverse is something done when the intent is to create a continuity that players can immerse themselves into. It is a powerful thing as all the anger regarding the storyboard for SLands and lore retconning.

On the other hand, rather than build a metaverse, one can use the carnival approach. Who cares if the carnival has a theme? We go to the rides, games and treats we want and the rest doesn’t matter.

Right now Blizz doesn’t seem to be doing either with conviction but rather weakly settling somewhere in between and satisfying those who just want to play but alienating the most passionate players.

Perhaps Blizz has looked at all their player data and has found that there are no significant overlaps on the VENN diagrams and there isn’t a core audience in terms of a metaverse. All many of us want are familiar names and places and then to be entertained. The overarching lore seems to be a rough thematic compass to the Blizz writers rather than a rich metaverse in which to evolve. Again, all speculation on my part.


I can see a slight problem in our WoW universe housing, our time line hasn’t advanced enough. FF14 seems to be more in an advanced time line than we are.

As seen in Harry Potter and the MLP universe you can advance if magic didn’t exist. Harry Potter shows 2 worlds one with magic, and the other without. It seems the world with magic is behind an era.

In MLP when the magic disappeared the 3 tribes advanced in technology, except the unicorns were behind the only tribe who took it the hardest loosing magic.

Magic is a crutch if you put it that way.


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Sorry maybe what I was trying to say didn’t come across properly. My whole point was questioning why this is a main selling point and discussion. When it reality it should be the product itself. I care not for discussions about metaverses, I care if the expansion will have proper time in development and funding. So that means that content would not be cut short and not be subjected to having the content that is there, stretched out to ultra thin to unbearable/unplayable levels… (I barely touched Torghast because of this. I wonder how much of the playerbase follow suit.)

Again, why would I care about the metaverse fluff stuff? I care about the product.

I do appreciate your take on why they would attempt to make this a discussion on multiple news outlets tho. Thank you for that.

Edit: Yikes I just heard about Overwatch 2 beta and this not being an isolated event. (Seems like a lot of skimming on content and cut costs) Hoping they actually try and rectify the situation. Instead of giving nonsensical selling points and news. In the end it comes down to the product and what they are selling the players.