GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

/running pounce

/happy grin

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“How ya doing, you ol’ bandit?”

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Getting along. Work was kinda boring and slow this week. At least it is easy money because I need it.


“What kind of work you doing, lately?”

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Level 1/2ish IT work for my county government.

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“Cool. Hubby went back to the restaurant, when things opened up again.”

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Things were dicey here for quite some time due to covid. Decent older gentleman that I’d known for over a decade got felled by covid this past September. I find it ironic because in early 2020 he didn’t think covid was a big deal.

Probably wouldn’t have found it funny if he’d known a year and a half from then he was going to be one of its victims.

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“Those few cases where hind sight doesn’t help at all.”

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Well, he made it to 85. There are plenty that can’t say the same.


“My Mom just turned 89. She is pushing for 100.”


hi lovefool. sorry about your friend



I don’t get why people don’t understand that I treat my writing like a business. I put a new story out today with the fetish content on my Patreon. It says in the description that I put at the top of the story (as DA descriptions come at the bottom so I write them in at the top for visibility.) Hey there is extra content on my Patreon. I do this because 1) DA doesn’t like that content on their sight and 2) I am trying to make money.
Despite it saying that the fetish part of the story is Patreon only I had someone in the comment asking if it will come to DA. I have a hard enough time making money at my work and this just felt. . . a bit insulting, like the fact that I am trying to make it as a author is a joke.

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He had a good run. He once remarked if he were my age he’d have done it all over again.

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Well to those who are just on the fourms and not the discord I want to give one last big hug for a bit and also say don’t touch my Wonderland goods. I am taking a break from the fourms for a bit and you can find me on discord.

Having someone flip out on me for just saying people enjoy leveling is not making me want to be on the fourms for a while. As much as I enjoy being here will you all I just don’t like the public nature of the fourms that much. I have come to like Discord as I can be myself without having to worry about some troll coming in and randomly flipping out on me because they have some twisted view on somelthing I said.

This has nothing to do with the people in this thread, more to do the slow grinding away of my online experince. Being who you are comes with a price and these fourms just are not moderated well so I don’t like to stick around her much as someone as crazy as me is not really someone who is first in line to be defended. A lot of who I am is frowned upon in many parts of society.

Cheers and until we meet again.


Those were not good times.


“I wish it would go back to the days I first joined. Was a lot of fun back then.”

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they sound heavenly

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“They are Devilishly Delicious.”


you would have loved the radio yesterday , lots of back to back pat benatar (with the ocassional “took em long enough to get it right” comments :rofl:)