GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

We have a rubber room where you can vent no one can see it, you can be as colorful as you want.



I did say weeks ago you needed to go on an Eat Me cookie diet before things got out of control.


Cyndilou just rolled it out into the middle of the lounge and it was calling my name.

Gotta trust Cyndi more.

At least I didn’t damage the lounge, but I did parts of Azeroth.

Everyone was still in Shadowlands so no one was there to stop me.


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If I need to I will help you from eating the growth cookies.

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hiss hiss

Thank you. I know they are awesome people, but my with my past behavior I need to prove myself here first, both to myself and those who need to see it. I can be erratic at times, so the lounge here is perfect for me to get my wings back to coin a phrase.

The trolls who are here, the forums, to look for trouble are never going to go away. Blizzard and ourselves are the only way to deal with them. Spot em, Shoot em (report them), move on, maybe put on ignore if it continues. Move on with life. That’s about it for trolls.

The forum people as a whole are a motley bunch. We are all the misfits, nerds, weirdos, freaks, and simple normal people (if there is such a thing) etc. in the world which is the very reason the forums are like it is. The secret is knowing that everyone is just weird and enjoy the strangeness of different people the same as we enjoy the different people and entities in all the video games we play. Approach each person with love in your heart and ride the tide of the weird insane and wonderful…and sometime aggravating…

Look at the natural world and all the strange, ugly, beautiful, violent, serene, etc. things there all bunched together, yet it all works together to make life. Same with humans we are not all the same yet we are. We are the same in our differences when love weaves it all together. :heart:

Can I draw on the walls with crayons using my toes?

Only if you eat too many. All things in moderation including moderation. Wait a minute, that logic means you can eat as many as you want because moderation can be moderated…does not compute…does not compute…danger Will Robinson!!!





“In a word… Yes.”


If I was moderate with cookies I wouldnt have turned into a nelfy house in the discord lounge. I have a problem and I like it. (considering it is a fun problem that leads to story ideas.)

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That sounds like the title of a song.

“I have a problem and I like it”
:musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note: :musical_note:
:musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard: :musical_keyboard:

Probably would be a blues song.


I think I just recently said something similar in a different thread. Another reason though why I like this lounge is people are accepting of well who people are as long as you are a good person. Hell the people here helped me come to terms with the full side of who I am.

Being who you are is a wonderful thing and should be celebrated, no matter who weird it may be. I love games, movies, writting, am in the mittle of a life transtion (from MtF) love Alice in Wonderland and have some very deep size intreststs (even fancy myself as a giantess.) I deal with biplar and more. This stuff makes me who I am and I am proud. I am happy being who I am its fun and the people around me seem to enjoy it as well.

Being who you are should be celbrated, and in the rough times the bad parts should be supported. It is how I feel.

Sorry I am rambling a bit at this point. I ramble at times as well. Where is that stanley parable skip button when you need it?


It’s not rambling to me, you’re sharing something deep and depth is lacking around the forums. I think you are a wonderful person and I celebrate you for you as you and I admire your journey and the courage to share it.


Well the skip button thing is from a game I have really been liking lately. It is hard to find videos on this so ya lol.

Honestly, I like the droning sound and what they were saying. I was tripping on it. :rofl:

So, the game is about how long you can stand the droning and rambling before you push the button?

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Let’s analyze The End Is Not The End


Not The End Is The End

(Not The End) Is The End

Not (The End) Is The End

Oh, nevermind, I think I’ve entered Cthulhu land :crazy_face:


The game is a narative driven story that makes fun of gaming and other stuff in general. It has funny endings that you can find and explore.

That particuar part is poking fun of good/negative comments. They dug around and people said the orginal game sucked and needed a skip button so they poked fun at that and games in general with it.


Oh, so that was just part of the game. I thought that was the whole game, like a how long can you tolerate this sound and rambling voice from the far realms before pushing the button.

Well, I heard somewhere that The End is Not the End. :crazy_face:

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Ok, I think I figured it out. If you change the D to T simply because I said so, then you have

The Ent is Not the Ent

That means one of our trees is not what they seem to be, we must notify the Winter Queen. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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That plays on the loading screen. The end is never the end is never the end is never the end.

Stanley is stuck in ground hogs day pretty much so it makes sense lol.

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Thanks for the validation that it happened.

I think it’s the change from Blizzard taking charge of monitoring the forums to the forums being mostly self monitoring now. Not a coincidence that since then, that’s when it started the slope downhill.

Blizzard mods now only deal with what we report unless something very bad stands out on the forums.

At least that’s what I’m thinking is going on.