GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I’m off to sleep. I leave you all with this…

Glimpses of clouds in a forest,
Can review well within us,
And to never linger on one is life,
Energy radiates from the source,

The life around us is but a reflection of our own,
Flowing within never-ending boundless infinity,
Time is just a cumular limit,
Which with one glimpse will overcome,

Will overcome,
Will overcome,
Will overcome,
Will overcome,
Will overcome,
Will overcome.


According to the description not only does it offend reality the form suggests an Elf so… She’s probably Titania.

Tanar’ri are said to be either her or the Queen of Chaos’s Children. If the former then they are Fey or Devils(as shown by Graz’zt supposedly being one) corrupted by the Fey. If the latter then they are Abyssal Spawn born from a Primordial.

The Obyrith are claimed to be born from Pale Night breeding with Daemons from Hades which would make them half-Fey.

If Titania turns out to be Pale Night AKA the mother of the Abyss’s inhabitants and an unspeakable Fey Abomination(a Primordial in all likelihood) as inhuman as Queen Nehelenia(spawned directly from Chaos itself) from the Sailor Moon Manga then she is an interesting Character.


I wish only max level characters could only post in the forums, so much trolling. Especially trolling by a certain elf who doesn’t play WoW. People who don’t play, don’t get a say, that’s just me though.

“That would mean I would never be able to have fun on any of my other Toons. I never max level any of them, except this one.”


I’m feeling a bit red today, and my tail grew out, strange. Must of been all those cookies I ate.

It takes trolls to ruin fun for everyone, it gets really annoying when someone claims they play when they don’t or they stopped playing and claim they still play.

A certain elf certainly does not play, his achievement points is not evidence that he is playing. I can tell by their mount collection, pet collection and achievement collection which is visible account wide on character armory. Level is the most obvious.

They are here to troll and having the enjoyment of watching people peck at each other like a rooster fight. Blizzard allows such player mannerism, and encourages it.

I’m super curious what Microsoft is going to do with this game, especially the forums. I suspect they are going to erase this forum and start a new one where you can’t post on alts, but change character avatars. I’m sure Microsoft comes here to see how players interact with each other.

Ugh, my tummy hurts, I don’t know what those cookies did to me. Turning into a red panda is not good and I feel like I’m growing an inch every minute.

Zenli leaves the lounge to seek medical attention


I like to be able to switch characters for silly posts like;

‘Post on your Gnome’
‘Show your Transmog’
"Stupid Names For Stupid Alts’

Or whatever silly thread is out there. I kind of wish the characters were account linked though. So if I posted on a level 10 the trust level would apply, and also people could see what else me as a user posted, and on what character.

This way, we could still have fun switching alts, but it might cut down on the trolling.


I—I can’t help it…


oh isn’t a bad thing :smiley: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


lol is it because I saw Turning Red this weekend?



She/it is indeed an interesting character. There is definitely more to her than meets the eye as even the most powerful demon princes keep away from her. This is in a place (the abyss) where everyone is out to get everyone in a race for power and supremacy and it seems as if she has risen about this or they are simply frightened of her.

There is a short video out there that shows Pale Night’s shroud covering with what looks like a voluptuous woman but there is about 1 second of the video that shows the madness beneath the veil. Appears mostly as a blip, but if you slow down the video, you can see what she looks like underneath. Whoever that artist is that depicted that madness did an incredible job. For some unknown reason I never bookmarked it, but I think I’ll look it up again.

How do I do a large letter font?

<h1>type stuff</h1>
<h2>type stuff</h2>
<h3>type stuff</h3>
<h4>type stuff</h4>

type stuff

type stuff

type stuff

type stuff

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There might be more efficient ways that I don’t know about, but there’s at least something for you. :smiley:

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i am potato.
my dreams are much better than my real life. maybe i should follow my dreams i dunno.



The first test was

< h 0>Test</h 0 >

To see if it can be bigger.

(Had to space it out to show.)


I’m pretty sure there are better ways to enlarge text. When we use the <h> tag, it creates spaces on top of and below the text so makes the overall text look awkward. If it’s just the large text looks great, but combined with other sizes makes it look weird.



Nope, emotes don’t work with it.



I’m just curious, I need to finish RP I started this morning and it’s lunch time and I’m bored.

Small text fail.