GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Things just haven’t been that good for me lately. Seeing how the classic WoW coumminity has been hasn’t been good for me. And my mom talking about some news made me feel like I wasn’t going to have much of a future.

I am just really worried that I won’t be able to have a long and plesent life for many reasons, cheif among them me being who I am.

I heard, I looked it up too, I half Blame myself for being without a sub I wasn’t there to defend it from those kinds people. But I’ll always look back at the days with a Tauren Deathknight, a red headed belf rogue, my myriad of characters, and more… I hate how far and low it has fallen, a uncared home…

This is what hurts the most, they pushed everyone out. Then it died… I can’t even get the new one to ever take off due to the stigma… So here I lie, a old troll once a old dark iron… Feeling like the last of any who calls that place home, moved on to a new lounge. When my sub flickers out and dies, so to will be the last one who still wishes that lounge rise again, never forsaking it.

Every generation has struggles, but humans are resilient. It’s not a doom and gloom as it seems, I promise things will get better. Grimrave does more than research wow lore, he research cool technologies being made now. Things will get better, we just need our time to shine in the light and we will make things better.

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You never know the future. I’ve been raped twice, beat up countless times, overdosed on alcohol yes it’s possible, was a crack addict, came from an abusive home, been in a mental institution (but I’m doing much better now :crazy_face:) when I was an adolescent, nearly died several times from unforeseen circumstances, caught blood poisoning and nearly died.

I have a few more, but you see all the things I’ve been through and still here. I don’t know your circumstances, but you hang in there and odds are you will be just fine.

I’m rather unstable and I made it, so there are always possibilities says Mr. Spock. :hugs:


Can one of those possiblitys involve me growing to thirty feet tall?

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You be strong women, I know family and friends who went through or going through the same. I won’t say as it’s not my place mon, but it’s hard to watch. I stand by their side anyway, it’s all you can do sometimes.

As for the future, this kid has got it covered. Boyan Slat. Inventor to find a way to clean up this ocean.

Yes, kinda. How you feel about cybernetics?


I’m confused lounge buddies what happened need a tldr

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Wait if we are talking for real I would be down for it. I umm have a bit of a size thing lol.

I watch PBS Nova, a very good seinice based channel. About two years ago they did something on the plastic issue. Really good thing that I would suggest a watch sometime even though I forget the name. If you look into Nova you could eventually find it.

Anyways I remember two things. 1) Recycling while good would take a world wide effort to be effective with just how much plastic there is already, how much is being made and entire countries who don’t even consider this to be “a problem.”
2) (and this is the thing that dons’t make me freak out of the plastic issue) Scientists are working on an emzyme to EAT PLASTIC! Who needs to clean it up when in the future we can get rid of it compelty. If I could fund things for this cause I would help those scientits.


60’ even! :smiley:

I don’t know about that. I was lucky and eventually started making better decisions.

I also ain’t special and I know personally of several people on these forums who have been through even worse than me. Not going to name them of course, but I’m not seeking attention with my sharing of my personal life. I’m ok sharing it. I share it to show others who might be going through similar things as me that things can and do work out.

I share it to show empathy and to give hope, not to seek attention. I bring this up because in the past, when I share my personal life on these forums, I get accused of attention seeking, so I want to explain why I share.


On an off subject…

I’m going permanently change Selosse to Shadowpriest. Her story has evolved to where void thingies are more her style. I’m a huge H.P. Lovecraft fan so the voidy stuffies makes much more sense to what she’s become.

I’ve been holding off only because I don’t like the Shadowpriest mechanics, but once I get used to it, might be ok. Also I want to try the Revendreth covenant.

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Don’t forget targeting the real issue. Most people lose their minds on plastic straws because of a turtle video. But those plastic straw bans are entirely shows to distract the public from the real plastic problem. Nonstop people talk of the plastic but few actually know what plastic items are the most prevalent… It’s not, straws, can holders, or bottles, not even bags! The true largest amount of plastic trash is industrial fishing equipment. I’m talking mile long trawling nets! There are many evil companies but the large fishing industry is one of the most evil if not the king of that title.

You should look up the fungi that eats radiation. I love that creature so much. Nature’s ability to just have some random animal tucked away to deal with any issue amazes me.

Sometimes you need luck.

Do it.

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Selosse starts vibrating and shaking then suddenly there are two Selosses
the first one says to the second one

Hey! I thought it was torture time!?

the second Selosse puts her finger to her chin and thinks
Hmmm, I believe you are correct. Off to Torghast we go!

the two Selosses merge back together then assumes ooze form and sinks into the floor disappering

If changing in size was a reality I would change to between 30-50 feet tall. It would be tall without being too tall for me. I could still be my big height and still squeeze into buildings.


Now that it’s mentioned a person I miss, was a old Orc warrior shaman and master in lore of rocks and minerals. Ole Cannibal was a great guy, always fair, level headed eager to help… Even his wiki is dying now without him. I wonder where he went.

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Sometimes people need to realize the workers in service you berate remember you and we will hold out grudges. Acting all tough while we are at our jobs unable to react to your callous nature, outside work it wouldn’t be the same. Remember be nice to your servers, we are definitely talking major trash talk about you if your a piece of ogre leavings person.


Oh good. It looks like the change kept all my posts.

Here is Shadowpriest Selosse. A long time coming. I’m gonna actually level this one, but slowly since I’m working with my Druid right now.

Eventually she’s going Void Elf. It only makes sense and I like the blue color. It has an exotic look, but I still need to acquire the race.


This is a link to Dungeons and Dragons Forgotten Realms Campaign setting and contains the Patron Selosse “worships” if you could call it that. More of a bargain between entities that benefits them both.

The Patron in that link is more Old God then outright demonic so I think would fit with WoW’s void creatures. I wouldn’t categorize her as demonic in WoW’s world, but definitely fits with the Old God / Void Lord theme perfectly.

I love where it says, “her true form offends reality itself.” Yep, Old God stuff.

I want to keep the Galadriel look though, although when I get Void Elf, I might change her look.

So here’s the new Selosse. :sunglasses:

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If I could have any one ability from any character class in this game, if would be the shapeshifting ability of the Druid. Because of game mechanics, the shapes are limited, but in real life it would be any natural animal.

I’m a hermit in real life so I would just shift into bird form and disappear from the human race never to be seen again and live with the animals.


Any animal??

I will reclaim the seas for the ocean. Those who overfish and defile her waters will be gone…

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Any animal. And since Legendary films new Godzilla/Kaiju movies claim they are a natural part of our ecosystem, Godzilla now has a wife. Me. :lizard:

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I love writting transfomation and size changing stories, though the transfomation stotries I don’t get into as much as my small follower base is made much more up of size changing folk.
Still it is something I think of a lot and have met people who talk about it on discord communitys where I share my work.

I’ve always liked shapeshifting abilities. The first RPG I played, I was a wizard specializing in shapeshifting. Created a staff had the shapeshifting ability bound with a spirit (game mechanic) so I can shift into any form, but so can the staff. It was a living entity. I felt ok binding the spirit since it can take any form and enjoy itself as it were rather than just exist in a staff.

Transformation is an alchemical theme as well. One of the schools of alchemy focuses on the transmutation of oneself into a higher being. I’m referring to spiritual alchemy not physical alchemy which was focused on the lead to gold thingie.

There is a website…

It has a lot of material of various sorts including alchemy. Maybe you might find some inspiration there for your writing. It has religious stuff, but its a scholarly site not a, “Believe in our god or else” kind of thing, which I avoid like the plague it is.