GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I honestly don’t remember this but my memory is really, really bad as well.

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I don’t think he mean you do. I think he mean.

/flips gold coin to face up.

((The cookies of Alice’s room appear unscathed and untouched it looks like they were never moved once?))

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(Lady Cyndi Lou’s Army Of Tiny Robots appear, dragging a big cart, full of your Eat Me Cookies, leaving it at your feet.)

“…I’ll stop trying to help.”

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“I give up. My RP sucks.”

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/shrug don’t blame me for bipolar memory issues.

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Thats, thats…THATS a whole pallet!

I’ll watch over the cookie’s and put them somewhere safe.

I’ll take the cookies…
Put them in a bank…
And they will be safe…

Zenli takes pallet of cookies and takes them to the bank


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YOu can come back. I will leave.

Stupid world dosn’t want me. Wow community dosn’t want me.

LIfe in genearl just dosnt’ want me. I hate life.

Rp is something one must learn over time. Yours not be bad, you be guessing the coin. The key to rp is to know how to proceed. Sometimes something isn’t ready to be saved at that moment, but rest assured the moment will come. We are all just players of de voodoo stage.

You both be wanted here, I made the riddle and little fun for you both. Grimrave don’t be chasing any away or be being chased away.


“You are NOT the King Of RP in here. I was trying to have some fun.”

A cannibal song from Grace Slick…or is it a cannibal song? Hmm?


Grace Slick is a huge animal rights advocate and this song is about eating animals not people.

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I never said I was, i not trying to force anything in here or make anything about me.

As was I mon, I don’t want no real fighting mon. It’s a chill lounge.


I prefer to do both.

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People thinking of leaving, do not. I’m not even sure what happened to cause people to want to leave. I’m starting to think it’s me…again. It’s probably not me, but somethings amiss.

I can do something crazy and banable (I don’t care about being banned) to take the pressure off people wanting to leave.

…if not, I can leave. I’m already starting to feel socially awkward, but if I leave, it’s will be a day to remember. :smiling_imp:

god i’m so doody and lonely
got to get myself healthy today


Thanks for revealing my spoiler.


Fixed mon.


Yeah, I’m going leave for the night. My inner psychopath is gnawing at me so I better leave before I get myself and perhaps others in trouble. I’ll be back though.

Behave everyone, or if you can’t behave, at least be clever and funny.


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…ok, good, That brought the lounge to a screeching halt. Now that we have erased the blackboard, let’s start over and remember not everyone role-plays nor is deep into lore. Most just come here to mess around and socialize. This is not the WET lounge - thank the goddess for that - those guys over there were high end jerks. I’m glad their long gone and good f’ing riddance.

I’m off to ingame torture at Torghast. :smiley:


Describes me in a nutshell but your correct rp always optional mon.

Though you got to be admitting there were some good people in there long ago. Time changes everything it’s nothing but a ghost town now…

Enjoy your fun mon.

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Wanna know why it’s a ghost town? A few of us current people in this lounge including me, were in that WET lounge for quite some time a few year ago. We were socializing and having fun, when a few of the creators of that lounge came back and started complaining about us not being in lore discussions etc. They said they have been annoyed at us for at least a year. Huge shock to us since no one said anything.

So, we decided to respect their wishes and leave, and you know what they did? The little darlings, they left it f’ing empty! We left so they can enjoy their lounge how they wanted, and the little darling, who complained us to leaving, never even used their precious little lounge. We showed them respect, seems they never wanted the lounge, they just wanted to b1tch at us.

Screw them!!