GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Good Morning Everyone!!

Don’t forget this week is the Darkmoon Faire…

And also…

Childrens Week…

Agh!!! Why the same week!! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

I have to do Children’s week on BCC, because I really need the gold for the bank tab… curmudgeon that I am. So sayeth the quest rewards.

I also really wanted to level SL professions at the faire.

I’m going for the gold, maybe there will be time to get to the faire afterwards.

What are your WoW plans this week??


They should combine the events so children could visit the Faire and enjoy like the Keddy Fruger house of fun. Or perhaps the candy house bake shoppe witch could be fun. These are also events the player is paid to bring the children in either gold or stat food.

For those who like children in non-culinary ways there is the roller coaster betting pool to see which child’s stomach reacts to all the cotton candy. So much fun to be had.


Fun is a bad word, now we have to do a dance to scare away the jinx.


Don’t let the Fun Police catch you, RUN!!!

:oncoming_police_car: :oncoming_police_car:




Here’s that extra car.


And I don’t know why people are so upset about a mobile game. You have the option to play it or not, it looks interesting.

I don’t play mobile games anymore, because of my concern of battery life.

The majority of free mobile games usually mean in app purchases.



So how is the Eat Me cookie room looking?

It’s empty mon.


Now how did dat happen?

Haven’t had time to eat, maybe tomorrow.


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Rest assured mon, your cookies be quite safe, Ole Grimrave just be working a bit of the mojo you see. You see not everything is how it seems, da voodoo is dark and mind boggling magic… But to answer your question, you will find something nearby amiss, something not here before… When you learn what it is, you will know what to do!

To find what it is I have placed, answer but a riddle. What has a head and a tail but no legs?


And it not be a snake mon.

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“That’s easy. It’s a Coin.”

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((A coin shines brighter over on the floor near Alice’s room, has that always been there? If one were to look it appears to be tail side up.))

Good! Riddles don’t be stopping you, but now what do we do? A head covered can’t see anything! If the eyes of gold can see so shall those see what is unseen!

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“All they see is a dusty stone floor.”

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So my cookies are missing.


I don’t know mon, all I can see in your room be a dusty stone floor.

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“Your Cookies are safe. Stored in the Cookie Corner, where no one can get to them.”

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Are they mon? But a flip of a coin might reveal something never went missing at all.

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“I made her a promise, a long time ago, that I will guard her Eat Me Cookies, when ever she needed it. I don’t break my promises.”


Wasn’t me I’m still panda sized plus 3 feet.


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I don’t keep the Wonderland cookies and drinks there. If someone steals them well, they are in for an unusual surprise.

Though when people steal to much that is when we have issues.