GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

It’s called The Stanely Parable. Think Groundhog Day on steroids with a funny nariatory who get’s angry if you defy him and good jobs at your choice in life/games and the gaming industry.

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The games I’ve played in my life…

The Fantasy Trip - Steve Jackson Games (old pen and paper role-playing game)
Then I got a TRS-80 computer that played Space Warp
Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition
Master of Orion (original version)
Neverwinter Nights (original version)
World of Warcraft

There might be a few I’ve forgotten about.

I’m not an avid game player, but I like to stick with one game.


Since Blizzard says anything goes with class/race no lore reason, its turning into a Final Fantasy. They think the changes are going to bring people back after all the sins they have done to players. Striping class/race limitations is not earning players its making more leave. It’ll be World of Elfcraft.

People are not coming back, because they made some unnecessary changes to the game that had nothing to do with their cubical crawling and sexual harassment. Not only that but they insulted the female community by basically saying "we need to cover up the female characters, because it was also the games fault.

Dev’s also ignored feedback on covenants, and complaint about grinding, gating, systems, and more.

The pictures I didn’t care about, it was a bit inappropriate for a T game, and I never noticed them. When it comes to my character being who she wants to be and says she can’t have anything showing cleavage or skin is insulting. Disney characters show more skin than WoW characters now.

Atsukan - Character (

This is as barbaric as I’m going to get, I’m sure the Fun Police :oncoming_police_car: will take away every single skin showing mog in time and remove freedom of expression all together.

Everyone has a prissy high class elf, my blood elf originates from the comic ElfQuest her mog is based on the Wolfriders fantasy she has a strong bond with animals. She often lives in the woods along with her pets, along her travels in Azeroth she’ll make a new friend.

I agree Draenei and Tauren can be rogues and can turn, because we have seen them as pirates. I disagree that Taurens can be mages and green orcs can be priests.

People use Grimetome as a lore connection, Magatha was a shaman not a mage. Magatha Grimtotem - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (

Congrats to NightElves on their Paladin.

:ocean: (waiting for Kul’Tiran Tidesages) :ocean:

I only stayed because I was playing partial Shadowlands and partial old world content I skipped throughout while I was absent from BFA and content I didn’t see from when I started playing in MoP. I enjoyed the game as I pleased.

I believe Pink DragonFlight can exist with proper lore if not, its ok. Orc wants a pink race to play besides pink NightElves. Orc and other players want pink :cherry_blossom: and they won’t give it to us. :frowning: Why no girly stuff is allowed in WoW orc don’t know. :frowning:

Orc is sad the Slimsaber mount is tied to a raid achievement, orc not capable forming groups of her own because orc has a bit of social anxiety when forming groups.

Most likely when joining any pre made.

It’s going to be a year for DragonFlight, so how about 9.2.5 be maybe something be like the Legion event to level alts and earn prizes.

I don’t post private info in public, especially the forums.


wow realy!

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You can always group with me. I have Wonderland cookies. :slight_smile:


Do you have a character in retail? My hunter is 250 no tier. I assumed I wouldn’t be needing it since I opt out of raid.

If I’m here next expansion my focus will be pvp.

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Be certain to look at the class stats for the tier group you can buy with currency. Some of those tier extras can really make a big difference, even enough to lose the gear score on four items from 252 to 246. In the case of my bear druid, it would mean being able to go berserk on steroids every 40 seconds. Since I rarely fight anything that lives that long, eh.

On the other hand if Zereth Mortis isn’t anywhere you want to be, then nevermind! Continue as you are.

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Thank you a women of culture!

Best lore I got for that is, orcs became mages in Cata because their lore is the undead taught them how. I assume the forsaken after a few years and world ending threats were finally able to teach some Tauren. They’ve only been together since vanilla to get some cultural mixing.

I be thinking the lore will be shadow priests. Seeing as void elves shouldn’t have priest due to not being able to use light magic, but spriest is literally their identity. Or Lightforged unabled to be s spriest but regular priest is their identity.

As for this I might have to research but it could be that like some other characters she is a multi class in some stories. The dark iron once had a leader who was shaman and warlock.

I be joking mon.


They can they used shadow magic as with the twilight hammer clan

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I have been violently ill since Tuesday, barely able to get on here on my phone. And people still sending so many notifications my phone browser is trying to kill me. Lol.

:sob: At least today it was mostly just likes and not replies. Only had to post like twice lol.


“Are you feeling any better?”


Not really. I made the mistake of trying to eat something other than soup/crackers earlier than I should had.

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“It’s okay, just remember… ‘nibble and sip’. Mom taught us that as kids. When reintroducing your tummy to food, nibble and sip, like a bird. It works every time.”


gives Maizou some herbal tea and chicken noodle soup

Try this, it’ll help.

I thought about joining CC to make WoW a fun place for everyone, I have a ton of fun ideas.

Than I thought “WoW is retail, just virtual, people would just get in my face like they do in my RL job retail”. So I just decided not to. It’s hard to make people happy.

Orc have fun game ideas!, but orc also think no one would listen to her.

I tend to complain myself, but also maybe I just out grew WoW.

Don’t let being Community Council feel like a job or crowd control, it would just add to the stress.

Take rhe time you need to get better.

:tea: :bowl_with_spoon:


CC MEMBER PLEASE RESPOND to my plea a hundred times from multiple different people can be taxing.