GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

We need big bags like this.


Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. :yum:

:panda_face: :lollipop:


continues to hide in trashcan


(Giggling mischievously, Lady Cyndi Lou pulls out a pair of drum sticks, and proceeds to play a cool rhythm on the side of the trash can.)
(Lady Cyndi Lou smiles, while singing quietly to herself.)


My diabetes just skyrocketed right now


you have many talents! amazing


“I actually love to play drums in real life. I love rhythms, and beats. I also love dancing.”


nice! definitely not me tho lol

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Any D&D Players that exploited “Belief Shapes the Planes” in their Campaigns for the fun of it on this thread?

The Outer Planes are ruled by Belief!

Example: The Nameless One in Planescape Torment got enough people to believe a guy names Adahn exists to make Adahn exist to give the Nameless One objects like a Dagger, a Ring and some Gold. The Ring and Dagger had constantly shifting Colors signifying the inconsistency of Adahn’s nature.

Yes this means you can create a Mary Sue Character(either cause you can or so that you can have the perfect spouse) by using Persuasion on countless people in a Campaign! The DM if reminded of the Rule of “Belief Shapes the Planes” and being the sort follow the D&D Rules would have no choice but to create this creation of yours!

Should warn you: Creating such Mary Sue Characters by this method will potentially either get the Mary Sue(if the DM hates Mary Sues) or(if the DM wants the Mary Sue all to his/her personal Author Avatar) your own Player Character killed by the DM.

If neither happens feel free to make more of them:

A Lawful Good Playful Succubus-like Angel, a Primus-like Character serving as a Wandering Wizard, a Lawful Good Margrave Sindane Ripoff, a Lawful Good Margrave Stradama Ripoff, A Girl Paladin with either Astral Hair or Rapidly Shifting Hair Color(Red, Green, Blue, Cyan, Purple, Pink, Gold, Orange) among other things, A Lawful Good Balrog-like Angel, etc.

So! Has anyone abused “Belief Shapes the Planes” in this manner in D&D? Anyone wants to abuse it now that they understand what it can do?


Can you do that drum piece from Zul’Aman during the Rise of the Zandalari patch?

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“If I had the right style drums, and as least ONE other person. In that set I hear at least five different drums, including a Log Drum. And three are being played at the same time, at least once.”

“I heard a Log Drum, a Djimbe, a Bodan, Congas, and a Jamaican Steel Drum.”

“Personally, I only own a Bodan and a Djimbe. Log Drums and Congas are very expensive, and Jamaican Steel Drums are hard to find.”


“I would LOVE to get the chance to play on a Wall Of Drums. If you watched the Matrix Movies, you have heard one. During the big Dance Celebration scene. At one point, the camera even scans over a part of it, while it is being played.”

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Good Morning GD Lounge!!!


May Day! :rofl:


Oh my, first time hearing about this…

Get better soon :hugs:


This should bring it down.




ugh, it’s almost that day again


Cyndi -is your bow all wood or is it some metal pieces

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“Mostly wood, but it breaks down into four pieces. The Grip, the two Wings, and the string. Not sure if I can fire it any more. Haven’t tried since I broke my shoulder.”

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dang, that had to make transport easier.

Still got the daggers?

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