GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Who says I am evil? Just because I use the rabbit hole to have people fall down for eternity does that make me evil?

Nope. Makes you an experimental physicist. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a medical doctor of a sort.

pats surgical bag

But I don’t think you would want me to operate on you. :innocent:

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This character is 4 quests away from Shadowland’s Loremaster. I will finish it after dinner. I’ve been at it most of the day.


Ey mon, don’t taunt you much, I be rather tame when I’m here… I got a lot more vile bile evil in my soul when I use it where I will. I be scary mon!

Od uoy ton ezingocer eht eurt dna tsom live nialliv fo siht egnuol? Eht eurt tsekrad eno ohw etorw eht gninekcis selat fo mrah dna deidoolb stca no eht snahpro? Od uoy ton wonk nwap fo Dambala?


Me too. Some of the old timers in here might remember some of my more memorable moments in here with role-play. The lounge dynamics have changed and I think it’s for the best. Looking back at some of the stuff I used to do makes me question my own sanity at times. :rofl:

Back then this place was off and on for mature audiences only, but that can turn off people who might want to benefit from this oasis from the madness that is GD, so now it’s more PG-13 and I think it’s better.

On a side note, it challenges me to be evil and lewd through PG-13 means, and I think that’s much more difficult and takes more talent, so I actually like the changes. :smiley:

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What you think i be mon. New face old soul.

My advice sometimes heavily hint what is going to happen. Let the reader’s mind make the perfect scare for them. It’s how you feed orphans razor blades and not get banned.

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I mean people in here who have been in these lounges since they started. I started in the old forums lounge 64, but there are a few in here who have been even longer. Perhaps you are one of them, but I wanted to clear up I meant old timers in the lounge not old people who are old. :slight_smile:

Less is definitely more when it comes to scaring. Our own individual imaginations are our own worse enemy.

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Hey listen up.

Do I have you attention? Good. Now I am not old. I fooled you right?




Anyway, off to finish those last 4 quests then sleep the sleep of the victorious.


The end is never the end.
The end is never the end.
The end is never the end.
The end is never the end.


Still me mon. Been here early in the lounge days, GD or WET.

Indeed my point.


“Glimpses of clouds in a forest,
Can review well within us,
And to never linger on one is life,
Energy radiates from the source,
The life around us is but a reflection of our own,
Flowing within never-ending boundless infinity,
Time is just a cumular limit,
Which with one glimpse can overcome,
Can overcome,
Can overcome,
Can overcome,
Can overcome,
Can overcome,
Can overcome.”

Lyrics from the Yardbirds, but the lyrics are from a spiritual philosopher who’s name I forgot.


I was referencing a game.

Can you guess what it is?

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Why do I keep getting Stanley killed in the Stanley Parablle? What is wrong with me?

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Get my Discord info from Elmer so we can be discord friends. :grinning:

Not posting it here.

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How she know my evil plans mon? She post discord I post in Minecraft discord then watch as my evil plan takes hold!

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“Just ask Elmer to send it to me, viva Bnet.”


can i get an invite to the cat discord

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I haven’t played that many games, so no clue where it’s from.

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