GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

im down with this no more mr good guy!

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that song was big on twitch

Speaking of good guy dolls mon, I found this little ting while digging around in a few dark places!

((Grimrave pulls out a small almost gnome sized doll with makeup… She is in a old looking white dress.))

De voodoo be saying something about Annabeth? Cursed doll? I heard it whisper it been here before…

“If you are going to keep that cursed Doll, I ain’t sticking around. That thing is deadly.”

pokes head out of trash
you can hide in here with me

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“That ain’t gonna help you. That thing is possessed by a Demon from Hell, that even scares the Devil himself.”

I be a voodoo hexer mon, I deal with cursed dolls all de time. Voodoo dolls, serial killers in toys, we witchdoctors and hexers we know what we doing.

((Grimrave looks at his empty hand.))

… Well I be guessing she be something new cause she be gone…

Shocking! Gentle’s Identity?


Yui and all having lunch at the Omurice store and coincidentally met with Amane, the Student Council President.

Hanamichi Ran: A cute girl brimming with curiosity about all foods. She became Cure Yum Yum!

Ran: Student Council Pres, you can see Recipipi too!

Yui: Wow! Which ones have you met?

Amane: I don’t care about them. Excuse me.


When Amane disappears, an Ubauzo and Gentle appear!

Ubauzo: Ubauzo!


But Gentle seems off.

Gentle: Ugh.


Gentle’s mask was knocked off in the fight. Cure Precious and all see her face, and it’s Amane!

Ran: Hoee! Why why?

Yui: Student Council President!

Kokone: Eh?

Amane: Ha, you all are-

Yui: Student Council President! Why?

??: We’ll continue the fun later.


A Bundoru gang member takes Amane away.


Just then, the thief Bundoru Gang took a Recipipi!


Mottoubauzo: Mottoubauzo!

Rosemary: A new Mottoubauzo appeared!

/Everyone, transform!


Mottoubauzo: Mottoubauzo?

The mysterious Fighter BlackPepper appeared and came to help the Pretty Cure!


/Now’s your chance!

Fascinating information.

…does anyone else think that narcissistoru looks a LOT like black pepper? aside from the ponytail, their fringes/bangs are the same, just reversed

and going on the other theory of gentle being a brainwashed amane, this season the good guy and bad guy are probably related or even the same person (think cure ace and regina or something like that)

it would make sense - narcissistoru, based on the name, is selfish and wants everything to be about him. and black pepper, a good guy, is named after a seasoning: he only aids the hero, but he isnt the hero himself. and going by the brainwashing theory, and the food theme, it could be a reference to how some foods are okay on their own, but then become enhanced by sides and seasoning (hence why narcisstoru is a bad guy, he doesnt want to share the spotlight or accept help)

Interesting statement.

No, Black Pepper is Takumi and the OP basically confirms this. Narcisstoru will likely be our Gentle replacement once Amane joins the team later

What sort of statement is this!? The poster that I just quoted above acts as if Narcisstoru can’t be Black Pepper due to Black Pepper obviously being Takumi when it’s still possible and throws in some interesting implications:

Why would the Bad Guys create a bad form of brainwashing when they were clearly able to get Gentle to do the Job just fine before she was unmasked? They could easily keep Takumi in Narcisstoru form at all times and keep him from turning into Black Pepper(at the most he’d pass out like Gentle not transform into a more heroic identity) so why?

What if Takumi is Narcisstoru and not brainwashed? Then why is he aiding the Pretty Cures as Black Pepper?

Answer: everything the Bad Guys have been doing was for the sake of the Lead Pretty Cure! Takumi is the closest friend of the Lead Pretty Cure and thus might be interested in helping her family’s restaurant(as well as any other restaurant she favored) ever by stealing all the recipes!

Naturally once Gentle(a Pretty Cure he beat into submission and mind controlled) was removed from the picture and Takumi had to get his hands dirty he naturally knew which target to use as a distraction(any one whose collapse would heavily upset Nagomi Yui/Cure Precious) and which was the legitimate target(one that he is certain she and her friends would not be visiting until the recipe was stolen stripping the food of taste).

The Secretary would be targeting the distraction while he personally targets the true target before returning to aid the Pretty Cures in their fight against the distraction.

Of course the Secretary being used as the fall guy while the Big Bad gets all the recipes and sneaks them off to Yui and her friends’ families may make her backstab him and become the new Big Bad with her own group of henchmen.

#Tracks down and shoves the Doll through a Portal into the Maw#

“Oh frack!”
(Lady Cyndi Lou commands her Cookie Corner to go full stealth mode. Suddenly the full spherical Shield glows purple, as Lady Cyndi Lou, and all, vanish from sight.)

We gonna see if dat work mon. I heard somebody try set it on fire before.

((Grimrave shrugs))

Maybe she friendly?

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(A tiny robot rolls up to you, hands you a single piece of paper, and vanishes.)

[She is NOT friendly. She is totally evil. I will pray for your soul. Signed Lady Cyndi Lou.]

I tink I be understanding what you mean mon.

((Grimrave pulls two knives out of his back, his troll regeneration sealing his wounds))

It’s happening a bit late because I logged in.

:sparkles: :tornado: :cloud: * a large swirl of sparkles surround Laeuko, and her holiday mog set starts to poof back into normal gear* :cloud: :tornado: :sparkles:

:cloud: :sparkles: POOF!! :sparkles: :cloud:

Orc sad, her bunny ears are gone. :frowning:

puts :v: behind her head

Nope, not the same. :frowning:

Have some Holy water.

Grimrave appears to be melting


I plan on streaming my writing to my Patreon supporters and eventually getting on camera and streaming games through Twitch as part of my content creator job (writing, games and something else in the future if I can pull that off.)

Streaming itself isn’t the issue. It is when people decide to lock popular content and force you onto streaming services, like the Mandalirioan example from Disney plus. It is a great show but you will never see it unless you subscribe to them. Unlike some movies where you can still buy them on DvD, blueray or youtube tv ect. . .

Compare that to me. My writing you can get elsewhere and the stream is just an extra reward to talk to me more personally. Gaming streams are something else entirely and like what I just said are more for getting to know and interacting with the creator. (Also by design on Twitch they don’t keep the stream footage so if you want to keep something you have to make something like a youtube video.)

Streaming itself is just a business model used by man content creators and business’s alike. The model can’t be evil, only how the people who use it and abuse it. Otherwise I would automatically be evil when I use streaming to try and interact with my fans.

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I have some special carrots if you want your bunny ears back so bad. But I warn you. They will give you more than just the ears so eat them at your own risk.

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Got to melt a troll’s voodoo fetish protection double eh mon? Don’t Ju be knowing many accomplished troll Witchdoctor have Magic’s in place to protect from death. Zalazane thwarted assassinations for years mon!


i ain’t afraid of no Demon from Hell i will slap him right across his face


((Dozens of paper scraps floor into the lounge, each one of them marked in blood… Miss me?))

Hmm this be some powerful juju this one got, if I gonna catch this dark voodoo, I gonna need some things from me hut…

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It would have been funny if he was Zalazane the whole time and tricked you into killing incoent trolls to experiment on.

You people are way too evil for my delicate sensitivities. I’m far too innocent for this type of behavior. :innocent:

tries to hold in laughter, but starts to burst out laughing