GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I so could live on subway sandwiches! :yum:

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That was a great read. You’re a good writer.

Been on a nostalgic Spongebob kick lately and this video came up in my recommendeds.

If you were raised on Spongebob, this will get a real nostalgia hit for you

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:panda_face: :balloon:


Thanks. I write for a living. :slight_smile:

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I got Disney Plus as I can finally stream shows. An interesting surprise I found is there is a Wonderland show on there from ABC. I have no idea what to expect about it.

“Disney ruined TV for me. I hate them.”

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If you are talking about streaming Netflix started that whole deal. Disney and others just jumped on and tried to capatlize with it. Disney doing a better job at it than others (and I hate that they put stuff that I want to see like the Mandlarian on there.)

I am not defending them but when it comes to streaming they are not the only ones out there or the cause of the streaming wars.

“Disney took ALL my favorite Classic Movies, and locked them up in their stupid Disney + Vault, and NOW they are demanding I pay THEM just to watch the Movies. Disney can go to hell. I will BUY THE DVDS, before I EVER give them another red cent. I HATE THEM.”

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“And Netflix can go to hell too. I hate ALL of those damn Streaming Companies, that lock away the Movies I love behind a fee. They can ALL go burn in the Maw for all I care.”

In Harry Potter the normal Spell Legimency is actually a far more ruthless counterpart to the Unforgivable Imperius Curse.

Imperius is so soothing that it makes the victim want to obey and if improperly done will leave the victim insane enough even after the Curse was removed that in one case the guy thought that he was a Duck.

Legimency is so blunt about it’s Mind Control that the Ministry of Wizarding didn’t see fit to deem it Dark Magic.

Imperius Curse is practically using the Opposite of the Cruciatus Curse(the Torture Curse declared Unforgivable since it does not kill if used for too long causing insanity eventually and thus only of value to Sadists compared to the other Curses that torture people which are of value to interrogators) to control people.

Imperius is too soothing to be safe while Legimency is so blunt in it’s mind tampering that the person once reset to normal will return to normal.

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Dats what I do mon, we got a entire walls worth of dvds and we also do streaming. De Grimrave sees all movies!

Uoy era ton gnidih eromyna Dambala? Ym ecnaegnev no uoy lliw eb tfiws dna sselicrem Dambala!

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“I refuse to stream. Those things are evil.”

De Grimrave has seen worse evils mon, the purest and most vile of evil to its core… But it has a friendly face so people let it move around in their lives unabated mon.

Ed Evarmirg reven stegrof nehw uoy yarteb mih, ed Evarmirg lliw eb gniwohs eht dlrow ohw uoy era Dambala!

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“What the???”

Voodoo speak mon.

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Disney made a stupid political move and they are bleeding money, so they want to recover it by locking everything up behind a channel as a last resort to recover money loss.

If I want to see a movie I just order it on cable and rent it for 2 days. Clifford was terrible wouldn’t recommend it, Encanto was good. I don’t use streaming channels anyways.

And lol, at Disney wanting to move their park into tornado ally.

That is why I will never go back, the weather is terrible and violent, baseball size hail and tornadoes NOT fun especially if you get caught up in it.

I can never go back because of dust storms, my respiratory system can’t handle them anymore.

6 Flags Over Texas is a theme park too, they are seasonal. It does get cold in winter time it’s not like Florida, lol.

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