GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

… I hate it when I am trying to share a story about my writting experinces and someone else just says “Well I have freinds who help me and do this to avoid those siuations.”

… Yes I get that if you do that you can avoid that. That isn’t the point of me sharing my story. Ughhhh.


So they’re analyzing you and your story before it’s even done? That is kind of rude.

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I don’t know. It is a site/discord where I share my more weird stories but even then I don’t know if the people there like my work. There are other authors there who have been there longer than I have and when they talk about their issues and struges they band together.

When I talk about mine I am either ignored or I feel like I am given passive agressive coments by a few people (particlaly mods). It is just that there isn’t many places to share my work. I do take comfort in that the people who are kind of rude to me are not the best at writting themselves. I think only one is a published novelest, and even that person is willing to give some of their books away for free.

But ya it just kind of sucks sometimes trying to talk about writting there and when I talk about the editing process that I go through with people in real life with other writers and they look at me like I am crazy.


"Don’t pay them no mind. Misery loves company, and the down trodden will ALWAYS try to pull you down with them. "

So this is a story sharing place about stories you are writing, or is it a therapy group where people share their “stories”? If it’s a therapy group, LEAVE NOW you should not be made to feel left out or insignificant in a healing group, if it’s writers sharing their work, then, well, I don’t know. Writer’s can be passionate and maybe they are just being overenthusiastic? Also sounds like the moderator needs to be changed. The moderator is suppose to control group dynamics, so you have a bad leader, it sounds like .

In any event that sucks. Hope things work out. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It is a story shareing group. It is one of the main forms of marketing I have.

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Yeah, it’s your moderator. They are either bad at it, or part of a clique within that group. Is this the only group or can you try others?

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I am in a lot of groups as this is my business. But this is a really big groups so I am not going to sacrafice it for the sake of my well business.

I can pull those that I trully like into my business discord lol


That’s a good idea. I hope things work out for you. I’m more a math person then writing, that’s awesome that you are pursuing your dream. I was a computer technician building and troubleshooting desktops and servers, so mathy stuffies. :smiley:


from the creater of the screming goblin


Epic. There is no other word to describe it. The creators did a good job portraying the agony of becoming a death knight.


One food for life folks, so what’s it gonna be?



Wren looked out over the forests of Quel’thas as the moon began to set with a smile on her face and a hand gently stroking the face of her sleeping daughter. “Oh my dear Veredel. The light of my life. I hope that tomorrow will be yet another grand day my dear.” She pushed her tiny dark bangs to the side. “Sleep now my love.” She smiled and looked out over the glistening forests. “Oh Telean I do wish that you would come home soon. We want to see you soon.”

As the moon began to rise into the sky Wren noticed a strange sight. “That is strange. I don’t normally see smoke this close to the city, especially at night.” As she walked closer to her window the smoke only intensified and as she looked south, she could only see a blanket of haze covering the sky. “What in the world?”

Alarms suddenly broke through the air. She looked down to see a young elf running past her home. “What is going on?”

He looked up at her, his face devoid of color. “The elf gates, they have fallen. Take your loved ones and leave this place before it’s to late.” He dropped his bow and crushed it with his foot as he ran off into the night.

Wren shook her head. “Wait. What is coming?” She looked at the south and the billiowing clouds. Telean. He is out there. She looked at Veredel as she slept soundly in her bed. “Honey.” She rubbed her hand across her daughters head. “Mommy is going out for a bit.” Veredel streched in her bed. “But I love you and will be right back.” Wren rushed over to the cabanit and doned her rangers armor and slid her bow over her shoulder. “Just be a good girl for me until I return.” Her daughter took a deep breath as she coutuined to sleep. Wren smiled. “That is my girl.”

She rushed down the spiral staircase and out the door. “Telean I am coming.” As she rushed into Eversong Woods and past many screaming elves the smell of death began to fill the air. Many of the same elves told her to head back the way she came, but she couldn’t do that. Not until she knew her bleloved was ok.

Wren vaulted over a fallen tree and gasped. Ahead of her lie have a dozen slaughtered elves. She took a deep breath, the sight of interial organs on the ground to much for her to bear.

Suddenly she heard something. With her bow drawn she twisted around. But she was alone in the sea of corpses, or so she thought. One of the bodies was still alive. It was Telean.

Wren rushed over. “Telean!”

He coughed up blood. “Wren? What are you doing here?”

Tears filled her eyes as she fell onto him. “I had to find you. Silvermoon. . . people are going crazy. They say the elf gates have fallen.” She grabbed at his chest. “Oh no. We have to stop the bleeding.” She pushed down on his stomach only to make more blood gush out of his body. “We have to get you help.” She raised her voice. “Someone help.”

He put his hand on her arm. “Wren.” He coughed up more blood onto Wren’s face. “Please I don’t want you to see me like this.” He sighed. “I don’t want you to see me die.”

She wiped away her tears. “You are not going to die. You hear me.” She tried to pull him up. “We have a daughter that is depending on you. You can’t die on her.” She felt his body go limp. “Telean? No! Telean.” She fell onto him and sobbed.

Strange growling sounds filled the air alongside an unfamiliar voice. “Looks like you stupid beasts left one of them alive. Now finish the job.” Wren stood up to see a horrific sight. Corpses with scrapes of flesh still on their bones standing beside a hooded figure with glowing green eyes. “Hurry before the wicked elf gets away.”

Wren jumped to her feet and ran. She could here the horrific monsters chasing after her and she knew she could defend herself. She had a elven ranger bow on her back and a knife in her boot heel, but she had to get home where she had left here daughter home and defenseless. What have I done

Wren rushed through the woods and back to Silvermoon, the city now on fire. She drew her bow and rushed towrds her home. One of the walking undead stood clawing at her door and she loosed an arrow, hitting the creature directly in the skull, sending it once more to the grave. She stepped over the creatures remains and entered her home.

“Veredel!” She looked around her small home. “Veredel where are you?” She quickly spotted her daughter slowly coming to in her bed and coughing.

“Mommy?” She coughed. “What is happening?”

Wren picked up her daugher. “Nothing honey. Just hold onto me tight. We are going for a trip.”

“But I don’t want to go for a trip.” She coughed again. “Why is there so much smoke. Cough. And why does it smell so bad?”

“Just don’t worry about that my love.” She rushed down the stairs. “We will be out of here soon.” Wren rushed towards the shoreline and where she hoped there would be boats out of this nightmare. There just has to be. We can’t be left to suffer this fate.

Veredel suddenly screamed and dug her face into Wren’s shoulder. Wren turned her head to see a gigantic, twisted amalgamation of corpses shambling towards them, cutting down any elves that got in it’s way. “It’s going to be ok honey. We are almost to the shore. I can see the boats from here.”

Wren suddenly tripped and sent her daughter flying into the air. Veredel screamed as the giant abomination came closer. Wren slowly made her way to her feet and took deep breaths, time slowing down to a crawl. She looked at her daughter and with tears streaming down her face she knew what she had to do.

She rushed forward and grabbed Veredel, throwing her forward onto a nearby boat. Then drawing her bow she loosed an arrow to cut the rope which bound the vessel to the dock. She smiled, tears dripping down her cheeks. “I love you starlight.” Wren then turned around and drew knife as the giant undead abomination drew closer. “May we meet again.”


“I really love that one. Good job.”

That is the WoW version of a Caldira story I have.

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“I really enjoyed it. The detail really drew me in.”

I quoted you… to see the text. it just looks like . to me.

That’s pretty awesome.


National Superhero Day


looks at belly and flexes non-existent muscles I will be going back to bed.