GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

welcome to the void

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Do it again mon I missed it.


welcome to the void

Ok, can’t right click hold to scan for it and it doesn;t show up unless you use 5 or less <small>


I’m bored so thought I would try it. Wanted to see how small text can get using the <small> feature.

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“I did it up to 8 or 10, and it stilled showed up.”

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Hmm, I removed it in chunks, lemme try again…

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welcome to the void


Above is with 16 and pretty dinky :smiley:

I was hoping to create a warp tunnel like effect when you have to scroll endlessly to make the text bigger giving that effect of a warp tunnel with the message at the end saying “welcome to the void”

Oh well, things we do when bored. :stuck_out_tongue:

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“When you look into the Abyss, The Abyss looks into you.”

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“That is 10.”

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If you shrink to much I will have to get the Eat Me cookies out mandtoary.


If my idea worked, you could put some eat me cookies at the end of the tunnel so they can come back. :smiley:

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Looks like you have have done some brilliant research for the legal department for those nagging bits of TOS we’re really not supposed to pay heed to. :wink:

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“I can highlight that and get the quote option.”


Hi Pen!

Not sure what you mean? Is it against the ToS to overuse the “small” feature, or are you just being your clever self and it’s over my head? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Neither. LOL. Just making a lame joke about how the “fine” print just became so much finer that it is on the page but doesn’t look like it.


It didn’t have the effect I thought. For some reason, I thought it would copy at the small size then you would have to use Word or something to scroll it back to original size the effect of it getting larger and larger would look like your traveling. Oh well. :smiley:

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i can use a tts addon to read them!


Ah you mean legal small print! :laughing:

Nice one! :smiley:


Yeah, my idea failed. Such is life. :upside_down_face:

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