GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Fel draws from Anima and the Nathrezim tainted the Fel that Sargeras infused the Legion with.

The Nathrezim have Sin Anima at their core.

The Red Sin Anima would be a corrupting influence on the Fel that feeds off of it and the Nathrezim would make sure that only Sin Anima is used to fuel Fel.

The fact that the Fel continues to leech Anima from everywhere indicates that Pain Anima(which leeches from it’s surroundings as shown with the Endmire) is used alongside Sin Anima(which corrupts the Soul to malevolence) to fuel it which is not surprising considering Zovaal’s part in the Legion’s creation.

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I be rusty mon, it be ages since I was once a dark iron dwarf named Raveintis… I mean he’s ok mon, but horde don’t be allowing dark iron so…

Fel be like radiation, as you the caster creates fel from life and souls you generate a self sustaining substance that if left unsupervised and uncleaned up will leech away the life it needs from the land. Every blade of grass, each bug, elementals, it all can be leeched of life to perpetuate the fel. As more fel is made the same process occurs and the corruption grows faster… Animals and beings to strong to succumb to fel are changed by it… Fel seems to make predatory evolution occur, sharper teeth, stronger muscles, aggressive behavior and razor spines… This means areas permeated with fel lose plant life in exchange for everything trying to eat meat. Eventually even these evolve more into the beings known as demons.

Theory or lore somewhere I missed?

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So it basically goes back to the Nathrezim who were created by that guy in Shadowlands who is an eternal. Then Zovaal, another eternal corrupted the Nathrezim (I think)…

…so basically the gods (eternals) screwed up and everything went to Fel :rofl:

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This reminds me of H.P. Lovecraft’s, The Color out of Space as well as that scene in the movie Heavy Metal when the green ball enters a volcano and all this green goo oozes out and changes everything it encounters into evil minions.

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Nathrezim who were created by Denathrius and visibly turn into Red Sin Anima when they die in Shadowlands created the Legion and the Orb of Inner Chaos infuses the Demons with Wrath one of the Sins harvested by Revendreth are all heavy indications of this.

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I would personally ask the story forums as they screen out any personal theories in exchange for the lore and only lore.

Actually Sargeras created the legion, the Nathrezim were basking in the glory of old gods when Sargeras came upon them interrogated them and killed them all. Sargeras created the legion with goals to kill the void, a Nathrezim did try to resist and create his own mini army but was absolutely destroyed and remade into Ulthalesh, the legendary weapon in legion. Sargeras never trusted the Nathrezim and found the demon races in which he included Nathrezim to be unfit to lead the legion hence his involvement with the Eredar. Fel was green eons before Nathrezim were fully incorporated into legion levels though they were seen as original demons by those at the time. Marduum a prison realm made by Sargeras kept all the demons they captured in one place, it held so many it burned like a green star in the sky.

1 Like says a Nathrezim named Ulthalesh was the leader of the Demons imprisoned on Mardum.

You honestly think he wouldn’t put as much of his corruptive Red Sin Anima into the Green Fel Magic as possible?!

Fel is fueled by a Soul’s Life Essence and a Soul’s Life Essence is Anima.

Any Fel inside a Demon Prison ruled by Ulthalesh will be corrupted by his Anima.

Sargeras was corrupted by Mardum’s Fel when he shattered it and created his Burning Legion. Furthermore Chronicle states that he suffused Mardum’s Fel into the Demons who were enticed by this Fel unlike the Fel they used before suggesting that they weren’t as infused with Mardum’s particular variety of Fel Corruption as the Planet was until Sargeras gifted it to them.

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It’s a good theory and yet two things, Sargeras hunted demons for millennia, I think he would’ve noticed a change in magic color when dreadlords were about.

Two, the green fire quest. In the green fire quest where warlocks like myself can earn the ability to use green flames, it hints momentarily about things in the nether bigger and more dangerous so bad even the legion leaves them be. Fel, is chaos in which anima of sin wrath is not.

This is a good point yet doesn’t prove it is always red anima, you could theoretically taint some fel but not all fel which is still green and couldn’t be tainted if dreadlords were not present.

Sargeras is orange, if your theory was true he would be green.

It’s conceivable dreadlords tainted parts of the legion, but tainting a entire pillar of the universe magic of chaos it is unlikely to have.


Sargeras shortly after creating the Legion:

He was Green at first. Chronicle(the source of this picture) latter shows him as Orange when fighting Aegwynn.

Fel as you state is naturally Green anyways. And yet the Orcs upon drinking the Blood of Mannoroth get Red Eyes until they drink too much getting the normal Green Color of Fel.

The Fel Blood didn’t change during WoD either as the Arakkoa who ingested it got Red Eyes while the Arakkoa who simply used Fel like a Warlock got Green Eyes.

The Sin is Red… Just like Mardum and Argus when he got possessed by Sargeras in Mythic as well as when Sargeras activated him in the Mythic Raid.

Fel is Green so the Red Eyes are most suspicious as are the fact that the Orbs of Inner Chaos invoke Rage not obsession with random acts of Chaos.

Orb of Inner Chaos
2 sec cast 5
Chaos does not come easily to all demons - some struggle with the ways of the Burning Legion. Those that did will often carried an enchanted orb that invoked the rage required of any good demon. It is not known how the orbs were made, or who made them.


Your theory holds more weight when comparing the red eyes to those infected with fel. Though I might point out Orcs are a pitlord project, the dreadlords find them idiotic. But this is going down the path of a infected legion not fel itself.

Do not forget a sha of rage is also red, void based and has no connection to Ravendreth, Nathrezim or those sins besides by name of sins.

It is my personal theory those orbs might come from the bigger things in the nether. That the demons we normally interact with most of which I believe have uncorrupted forms, there are only a few pure documented original demons. Pitlords being one and have no trouble with fel. It’s possible these orbs and the demons they are being used on are Infact the Nathrezim itself.

Because do not forget, Zereth Mortis hints every major magic or realm has a pantheon… Sargeras is a Titan not a natural born demon. It’s possible given wow devs typical style of writing a fel pantheon will come outta nowhere and claim that “THEY” were indeed the main reason everything happened! They plotted the x, y, z! Because wow devs can’t possibly not link bad events and just let things stand alone. But again these are just theories. And I do like your ideas of certain parts of a legion tainted but we both know the devs hardly thought that through.

My only fight is that fel as a magic source cannot possibly be all tainted as a warlock creates new fel, not summons it(though that can be done) and a warlock creating new fel on Azeroth doesn’t have a Nathrezim on his shoulder. That Sargeras would notice a change in color when Nathrezim came around. But your red eyes thing, I like it.

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Traditional Warlock Fel doesn’t seem to show any signs of driving the Warlocks to mindless rage.

As the Orb of Inner Chaos description states: Not all Demons have the Rage that Pit Lords and those that Sargeras infused his Fel(which Chronicle specifically states has rage infused in it) into have.

The Nathrezim that were on Mardum joined him except for Ulthalesh and his loyal followers who like how Varimathras in the Sylvanas Novel wanted the destiny of serving Zovaal’s plan not Sylvanas(the novel has him rant about that when betraying her) wanted the destiny of serving Zovaal’s plan not Sargeras.

Kil’jaeden later brought in Nathreza the Nathrezim Homeworld but by that time the Nathrezim of Mardum had already allied with Sargeras and the Fel that Chronicle claimed held Rage was already infused by Sargeras into those that Sargeras broke out from their prison even though they had their own Fel they held little interest in compared to Mardum’s Fel that Sargeras gifted them.

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According to the warlock green fire quest. Warlocks actually don’t use much fel until they absorb it from the quest.

This does also hint that it could’ve been Ulthalesh that was corrupted by fel not fel corrupted by Ulthalesh. Especially given that fel naturally occurs in the nether and perhaps it’s time I tell you a theory of mine.

”They had been formed as a result of the Light and Void energies that had bled together at the borders of the Twisting Nether.”

Excerpt From
World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
Blizzard Entertainment
This material may be protected by copyright.

The nether and the demons within are formed in the nether as a result of the light and void energies bleeding together creating fel. Why would light and void create fel? Fel is created by life? Perhaps this excerpt from the chronicle will help?

“The cataclysmic birth of the cosmos also flung shards of Light throughout reality. These shards suffused the matter of myriad worlds with the spark of life, giving rise to creatures of wondrous and terrible diversity.”

Excerpt From
World of Warcraft: Chronicle Volume 1
Blizzard Entertainment
This material may be protected by copyright.

Each life form has a shard of light within it, creating life. Fel is made by utterly destroying life therefore utterly destroying the soul and this shard of light… much like the light being utterly destroyed by colliding with void at the edges of the nether.

I might chalk this up to having fire versus having a nuclear reactor. The dreadlord of Nathreza can make fel, but making a Mardum amount of fel takes countless millennia and countless lives. It’s easier to just get the end result from Sargeras.

You are fun to debate with, if at some point I stop responding sleep has claimed me.

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Hanging in there :slight_smile:


Good Morning folks :slight_smile:



hello there :slight_smile:


possibly the greatest interview in wow history

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I have seen people talk about Blizzard is considering bringing LFD or some updated system in for Wrath now after everything thta has happend, though with all of the complaining still going on I can’t be sure seince no one will acutlay link the offical links.

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i dont think its true i have been looking all over for anything on this and can’t find a thing
i think people are just speculating again

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It’s interesting what fascinating stories one can stumble upon on YouTube. One’s curiosity gets peaked and one seeks to find all the chains binding together as well as a few what if situations.

Looking at the character descriptions one can see that Sakoto becoming a Witch is the result of her getting the Time Loop ability centuries(by Rika’s point of view) after Rika did(which led to Rika maturing so much she clearly couldn’t attend the School at home and needed a high class School for the sake of her sanity even if she is capable of Pranks like Sakoto).

We get to see how Witch Sakoto becomes Lambdadelta in this episode of the Higurashi Anime…

This Manga has an interesting Plot since the Demon making people disappear has apparently surfaced which is interesting as Rika discovered it was Tanako using the resident Disease to trick everyone into thinking it was the famous Demon.

Since the famous Demon is Hanyuu and Hanyuu is shown in the Umineko Manga(according to TV Tropes’ page for Umineko’s Witches) to be Featherine after having her horn break(with it also stated that Eua is not Featherine and is Hanyuu’s true self in her own words with Hanyuu being a failure) I would assume Hanyuu has fixed her horn completely and became Featherine again(returning the game piece to Eua’s control) and is going on a rampage.

The ongoing Manga Higurashi: When They Cry Oniokoshi can only be the backstory that exposes the gaps between Higurashi: When They Cry Sotsu and Umineko: When They Cry.

I’m hoping Featherine appears and forces Rika to become Bernkastel resolving all of our questions about Higurashi’s connection to Umineko while keeping Rika in the dark about Eua’s presence in the story(at least until Ciconia: When They Cry which seems to be the grand finale and is delayed for involving a Virus which I assume is the same one in Higurashi: When They Cry)