GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

De thing I shared is but a handheld whistle blown into by thousands of Aztec warrior descending upon you.

ooooo nice. More souls to play with. :star_struck:

The native tribes always got cool history of one just looks for it.

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Arcrados unit has discovered way to minimize binary text as to not disrupt forum post flow. Do not mind unit as it does it’s mechanical tasks!

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You know what would be really cool? Using the <small> feature about a billion times so there is a infinitesimally small speck, if you could even see it, so that you have to work hard to magnify it and while scrolling to make it bigger, its like travelling through a wormhole portal then you have the words, “welcome to the Void”.

See if you do that, it will create a blank post, but you know you left a litttttttttttttle speck of the void there.

Now, I’m not bored enough to see just how small it can be made, but one of these days, I just might find out.

So, if you see me making a blank post, know that there’s little piece of my void heart watching you from beyond. :eyes: :blue_heart:

Strongly thinking of switching to Shadowpriest as I think it fits my roleplay better, but I don’t like the mechanics of shadowpriest. Such is life. Maybe some day. :smiley:

I have a question. Warlocks use Fel, so why are they able to use shadow? Is there a relation between the Fel and shadow? Actually, it would be the Twisting Nether and Shadow(lands?) I’m not sure what the Fel is exactly. Is the Twisting Nether made of it?

warlocks use shadow as well as fel and fire because they like anything that’s good for hurting stuff.

I wouldn’t do that. I would be afraid I might shrink someone.

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Actually, your post just made me realize something. Perhaps it’s not the source as much as the Fel corrupts the forces used so everything in a sense is Fel corrupted. Like the first Warlock was a Shaman so think it terms of corrupted Shaman abilities like fire and summon demon instead of elementals, perhaps one of the other elements converts to shadow when touched by the Fel.

I’ll put a warning sign, “Nothing ahead” and it won’t be a lie. :stuck_out_tongue:

So true, I remember watching a TV show about this tribe that sews themselves into mummies when they are near death. They’re ascetics who have been practicing strict disciplines all their lives. Really cool stuff.


Sgniteerg ot uoy retsis fo Dambala.

Warlocks use many things, fel requires life. It is easier to secure a source of life for your fel if you use other magics as well.


That makes sense. So the Fel is from souls themselves so the souls create the Fel that corrupts the forces (magics) used. I like that way of looking at it.

Recall the Inca, who to their dead mummified their people and hoisted their dead into trees to watch over them. One of the many places in the world that mummified their dead. Much like trolls before the plagues…

Od ton kniht I evah nettogrof ruoy tnemevlovni ot ni siht layarteb nik fo Dambala.

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Ok, when Guldan said, “Everything” that gave me a chuckle. :smiley:

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Remember also not all races who play a class necessarily are the same. A troll warlock may indeed be a plain warlock… it may also be something much darker. Hexers and knowers of the darkest and oldest magics, the true delvers of the darkest voodoo… Not every goal needs the same way to achieve it, enslaving a demon can come from a warlocks force of will, a binding of contract or in a trolls case the breaking of its mind…

Oh yeah, I realize that. I was probing more into the sources of the “corruption” and less how it’s used. Each culture would “mold” it accordingly.