GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Hanging in there.
Spirits not with my employer, so gonna be a bit of a night - but we’ll get thru the bad mojo mon :smiley:

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I feel that mon, I work in half de hour away. I like de people I work in de place with, the public customers howeva? Sacrifice to Pa’ku I say.

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ooo yes mon

Maybe even to Bwonsamdi - he’s been good for a few deals

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I don’t know bout Bwonsamdi mon, I think that other troll had deals with him. Now he out the lounge mon.


yah even winter queen didn’t quite trust him it seems

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ugh - boss want me

back soon :slight_smile:

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He like most trolls mon, just as stubborn as dwarves, we keep our secrets.

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Dumbledore clearly made the wrong conclusions about the Three Brothers!

Thestral Hair can only be seen if you encounter Death so clearly Death created both Brothers’ Wands.

The Third Brother in otherwords demanded 2 objects: A Wand that can Protect Others from Death and an Invisibility Cloak so that Death can’t follow the guy and kill him for protecting others.

Death clearly had no problem giving the 3 Brothers everything they wanted though still wanted to claim them in revenge.

The Elder Wand is designed to be worthy of one who defeated Death. Only the Rowen Wand’s Owner(Dumbledore) or someone who came back from death(Harry Potter) can be said to have defeated Death.

The intelligent 3rd Brother clearly wanted to humiliate the unintelligent 1st Brother by asking for the power capable of defeating Death but did not get the chance due to someone slitting the 1st Brother’s throat in his sleep.

The 3rd Brother was a lot like Dumbledore used to be. Arrogant and obsessed with the Greater Good.

The 3rd Brother ultimately was denied what he desired(becoming the Master of Death) due to the Elder Wand going missing and thus abandoned his attempt to become the Master of Death(by acquiring the Elder Wand and Resurrection Stone) by surrendering to Death while entrusting his Cloak to his Son.

Death defeated all 3 Brothers: the 1st Brother by getting someone to assassinate him, the 2nd Brother by making his beloved be brought back wrong causing him to kill himself and the 3rd Brother by cheating him of the 1st Brother’s prize thus forcing him to surrender in old age.

Only Dumbledore and Harry defeated Death(Dumbledore due to saving others from Death and Harry due to surviving Death countless times) but once Dumbledore fell for the trap of the Horcrux holding the 2nd Deathly Hallow he lost his status as one who defeated Death leaving only Harry as the owner of the Elder Wand simply due to him surviving Death’s embrace countless times.




The brain freeze one was interesting. I thought everyone gets brain freeze, but turns out only 1/3 of everyone gets it. I’m in the unlucky 1/3. I also get migraines, not really serious ones, but enough to stop you in your tracks. I’m newly diagnosed and my doctor and I are working on a medication. So far so good. :+1:


Thank you! :smiley:

How’s things going?


:bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :egg: :egg: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :egg: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :bacon: :egg: :bacon: :egg: :egg: :bacon:


I want to buy all the pokemon plushies. :heart_eyes_cat:



I’ve never gotten into pokemon, but I like plushies. :+1: I was into the Smurfs when I was younger. I’m over 50, but not boring! :stuck_out_tongue:



Too spooky mon

Here’s another scream…

Starts at 2:55

careful with that axe Eugene :axe:

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Dat indeed be a good kind of screaming…

A blood latent scream… Much like the death whistle used by the Aztec to bring fear into their enemies…

Screaming is fun. I bet I can give those scream queens a go…

clears throat
