GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Well maybe unpopular opinion

I wanted Tyrande to be with Illidan :grin::grin:


Well, just hit exalted with the Zereth group The Enlightened. No interest in getting the tier gear so I may be done with SL unless I get an itch to level an alt or bring my tertiary characters up to 60 to see who or what I want to run as a main in Dragonflight.

So now full time in getting to 100 exalted. I’m at 97 right now. Wasted time on two that didn’t seem to count. mumbles darkly

All in all it’s fun but I’m not sure I can bring myself to kill a billion pirates to get three Steamwheedle to exalted. Have Ratchet there but ugh… two or three rep per pirate with about 11,000 to go… so looking at alternatives like Thorium Brotherhood or even Tranquillian.


Tranquillan is pretty easy to get to exalted, do all the quests in Ghostlands and kill Knucklerot and Luzran. Once you turn in the final quest to Lor’Themar, you hit exalted.

If you are already at a higher level, you can just breeze through it.


Ya I hate that grind. I tried the Inasane title back in the day. Gave up on those reps lol.

Thorium Brotherhood is classic mat turn ins. It is quite a bit but it can go fast if you prepeare for it. I also think you need drops from Molten Core if I remember right.


I broke up insane over a couple of months.

longest felt like Ravenholdt from Revered to Exalted. there’s an arena in Blackrock that has lots of naughty dwarf spectators, I pretty much just kept going around the ring picking pokets till I had no bag space - turn in -rinse and repeat


A bit of background on this character. One day I was thinking, “What would have happened if Galadriel accepted the One Ring from Frodo when he offered it to her?” You would have a gorgeous, elegant, graceful Elf on the outside, but a swirling mass of chaos on the inside. Enter Selosse.

I’m not trying to “be” fallen Galadriel, but she was the inspiration that got it all going.

Interesting take on the name Selosse. I got it from the random generator and it felt right. I looked up the name on the internet and it turns out to be the name of a high end French champagne maker. So that makes me a fine wine. :wine_glass:

When I was about 11 years old, I saw the movie The Blob (the original) and it scared the living sh1t out of me. I couldn’t sleep for about a month constantly watching the bottom of the door watching for the blob to squeeze in.

I decided to work on a demonic method of transforming me into the blob. It was successful. I have become that which I fear the most.

So, I’m the blob. It doesn’t mean I have unique powers when I role-play, like swallowing someone whole, but I can shift into blob form and squeeze through doors etc. Also can shift my chemical composition into various substances, like wall cleaner yesterday when I made my appearance. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been in these lounges off and on since lounge 64 back on the old forums. I do have social issues and it’s very difficult for me for feel close to people so if I seem distant it’s not that I’m a snob, it’s I’m scared of you at that moment due to social anxiety.

So, for those who don’t know me, that’s a little bit about me.


NBA playoffs have been a lot of fun so far.

I’m a very casual fan that goes nuts for playoffs but doesn’t care about the regular season (possibly since my Pistons haven’t been relevant in years and years).


Celtics v Nets was surprising fun


chrisp/gotnov here remaining disgusting filth. bleh.
hi selosse welcome back. dunno if you remember me. i remember you.

Of course I remember you. How you doing?

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pretty crummy i guess. got the runs and don’t enjoy anything in life really lately much. oh well at least i’m alive.

how are you?

Sorry to hear that. There is very little in the world right now to enjoy with the happy man in Russia, but I can see there are some wonderful people in here, so try and focus on us crazy bastards and not the crazy bastard in Russia. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m doing good. Just bought a house and getting ready to move in next month after some work on it is done.


Well that’s nice for you! I don’t even have a dollar bill right now, lol. $0 dollars. What happens when I refuse to work for almost my entire life i guess because i’m stupid and bad.

Nope. False. You have issues just like a lot of people around these forums. Like me, nearly impossible for anyone to get close to me emotionally and physically. I was raped when I was 12 and again when I was 15. Lots of therapy, but some scars take a long time to go away.

You’re not alone. :heart:


I’m sorry for your trauma. In this case I’m closer to the bad guy maybe in Jesus’s eyes at least since he thought looking at a woman with lust in your heart was committing adultery, if that’s the case I’m a hella adulterous bastard. If it’s not the case then I’m just your average loser and it’s ok to like me maybe.

That is a misunderstood statement from the bible. First off, the subject was marriage. Meaning if you are MARRIED and look at another women with lust you commit adultery. The Pharisees thought only if you physically do it is it adultery, but Jesus is saying it begins in the heart.

Another way of seeing that is the word LUST. Looking at someone and being sexually turned on is NOT lust. When you are turned on, things are working as intended, but if you use the person as a DRUG just to “get off”, then that’s lust. Embracing the entire person, mind, body, and soul, is not lust.

Don’t mean to sound all preachy, but I’ve studied many religions and paths and that’s my take on that scripture.

Only you can tell if it’s lust or not. I’m just trying to clarify what lust is as compared to a basic turn on.

I’m on my way out the door. Good to see you again Chrisp.


dear god i’m such a PoS. oh well.
nothing makes me happy now.
tv doesn’t work right so can’t even veg out unless i want to watch PBS.

congrats :smiley: good times :smiley:


that’s what got me hooked to Doctor Who - PBS was the only station I could get for a while

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Surfy how are you today mon?

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