GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)


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thou should become the next elden lord

“What is Elden?”

The one that rules the lands between

“I have no idea what you are talking about. Is this in WoW?”

Hehehe…I am talking about elden Ring (a game I am so obsessed about)

“Sorry. I only play WoW.”

Just type jibberish, it is rather unreadable and unpleasant to some eyes. I think typing in script is in the C.C.

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good morning folks


What I liked most about Legion, is I got to choose what area I got to level in.

I don’t want to see Nathanos? Fine Skip Stormshield.

Don’t want to hear Tyrande scream ‘MALFURION!!!’ one more time, skip that area, go unlock another place.

I would have loved to skip to the Venthyr lands or the fairy lands and just level there in SL, but nope, have to put up with the boring white robes, and the Arena before I can go there, and I usually reach 60 by then, so I never go there.

I did the mistake of skipping the questing on one character to choose a covenant, I had been hoping there would be something to do, and it would open the lands up. It opens the lands, but nothing to do but WQ, at least as far as I played it. Archaeology for that character to finish those ten levels.


Arcrados has checked for his binary, it is not against C.C. As far as I know.

When I see your name my brain hears AR (augmented reality) CRAy (the supercomputer) DOS (DOS) which fits a mechagnome quite nicely. :wink:


i am a spud
that is all

chrisp/gotnov’s dwarf warlock (affliction) (not high enough for a covenant) was trying to pick golden lotuses so my dwarf ele shaman alchemist could make the flasks to become a flask master or whatever elixir master thingie. cuz i’m too broke to buy the lotuses. whee

never saw that…dang it does


farming mats can be fun though :slight_smile:

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I now have this image of a cold, damp cave with a bunch of different characters named “Mat” huddling in fear. One whispers “Is she gone?”


hides pointys and whistles innocently



Skip Malfurion screening TYRANDE!!!



As much as I <3 my nelfys, that whole quest line was just cringe


My love, where are you?