GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Since the dev’s are doing real physics on flying, dragons would be crushed to death by Taurens, Kul’tirans, Pandarens and male Draenei. Orcs, Dwarves, Humans it’ll be difficult to carry judging by the size of the dragon we get.

Or maybe the dragons won’t be able to lift off or drop like a rock when they jump off high places with Taurens, Kul’tirans, Pandarens and male Draenei.


that would not be cool. pretty sure dragons are pretty strong. Thorim rode one in WotLK and I think he’s made of stone. So…

i should go away.

More like running to do the World boss in Arden Weald

i got a beta invite a while back so i have it on all my alts they just permantly give to to beta folks for whatever reason

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Feeling ok Cyndilou? You haven’t been yourself lately.

I never get one of those and I’ve been playing since 2014.

/sad panda

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Is DF this year or next year?


the roomers say Q1 2023


I wish Blizzard would tell us why they are so anti pink.

Who cares if guys wear it too, lol.

Pink DragonFlight would be cool, just plug it in lore is destroyed anyways.

Than we will have our Power Ranger DragonFlight and can fuse together to become the ultimate dragon.

In dragon.

:panda_face: :cherry_blossom: :dragon:




I defy you mon.

  1. You can wash your eyes with soap, but it gonna hurt mon.
  2. You can count your hair but it gonna take long time.
  3. You can, cats and furred animals do this.
  4. I did not mon, I seen dis one before.
  5. No
  6. I never smile, especially when fooled.
  7. I saw I didn’t react.
  8. Didn’t check.
  9. I don’t share it but I’m happy you did for your fun.
  10. It doesn’t goto ten because it missed 5.
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I am Alice and I won’t be denied. Only loved.

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I am Zeraves, follower of the mighty Pa’ku. I will claim vengeance for my people!

I only defy! We Zandalari are stubborn! As for loved I got me a troll wife at home, I be a dishonorable rogue but a honorable husband mon.

How ju be today?


Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom. :yum:



“Number 3 is NOT an American Cheese Burger. It’s Australian. They are the one that put an Egg on a Cheese Burger.”


I thought that was odd.


I can’t stand cheeze on a burger.