GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Golden Earing actually had the same line up from 1968/69 until 2021 I believe . They called it quits after the guitarist was diagnosed with ALS .

He also did co lead vocals on Twilight Zone.

White shirt is actual Lead singer.


A friend of mine is trying to get enough guys together for a sort of good old fashioned D&D game 5e on Discord. I am hoping a bit of the old gang joins up, I miss ‘rolling’ with the guys. We used to do every Tuesday night without fail, but that was a few years back. :game_die: :game_die:

What’s everyone else up to today?

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been ages since I played

How is 5th edition

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I like it a lot better then 4th, it feel more like they went back to some of the basics on this one.


Love that Patti Smith song :heart:

So why aint Pat Benatar in the rock hall of fame - come on guys

Me: So it was a rough week, I’m crawling to the finish line, 2 14 hour days, family doing their best to make me nuts :rofl:

Friend: “Hey Mari, did you see -U2 put out another acoustic on youtube”

Me very quickly " :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:BEST :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:WEEK :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:EVAH :heart: :heart: :heart:"

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Cool, yeah 4th just didnt work for me :smiley:

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The mightiest of the 13 Darknesses Pride is naturally in Quadratum and it seems manifests it’s Heartless out of thin air and just terrorizes the Realm of Death.

The Master of Masters is clearly not alone in Quadratum though since Luxu is in the physical world that might simply mean that he is split into Heartless and Nobody by Pride.

The Nameless Star already seems aware of the existence of Nobodies just as she is with Heartless so it is easy to imagine that Nobodies can exist.

Of course considering Pride isn’t bothering with Hosts aside from the Master of Masters(the only worthy host) one would think the Nobodies come from Envy stealing Hearts to claim their identities.

As the current Quests of Dark Road show the Heartless we know come from Wrath. That means the Foretellers weren’t possessed by the Sins of their namesakes.

Aced is consumed by Avarice, Ira is consumed by Lust, Invi is consumed by Gluttony, Gula is consumed by Sloth and Luxu is consumed by one of the Lesser Sins that escaped the Data World with Maleficent.

That leaves Ava to be possessed by Envy due to receiving the unenviable knowledge of knowing what she must do: be offed during the Keyblade War.

Once offed Ava would wind up in Quadratum along with Envy who would go on to steal Hearts leaving the Bodies to become Nobodies. Of course that’s not to say Envy would create Heartless after stealing Hearts as the Nameless Star indicates that Envy creates Somebodies and has them steal the Hearts, take their identities from them then cast them into the Final World to rot.

Yozora would be the Nobody left behind from someone that a Somebody stole his or her Heart and identity from.

The Realm of the Dead will likely be filled with True Heartless(who are literally Heartless unlike the false Heartless of Wrath and work for Pride), True Nobodies(who have had their identity stolen from them) and Somebodies(the guys who steal identities and work for Envy)!

Yozora would be a True Nobody created from an Other(what a normal person is called according to KH2 and KH 358/2 Days) named Sora(the Nameless Star obviously) whose female form, name and appearance would be stolen by a Somebody who cast her Heart to the Final World to rot(either that or Nameless Star is there because she is dreaming until she returns to her Nobody self Yozora).

Edit: I have just realized that it may be possible that the Master of Masters was possessed by Envy. He sounds like Noctis(who is not an original character and thus shouldn’t be the Master of Masters) and furthermore Vanitas possessed Ventus outside the Data World…

The Darkness that possessed Ava would have had to come from the Data World just like Luxu! Of course she might not have been possessed and simply got killed off during the Keyblade War in a panic while Wrath escaped the Data World and went on a rampage creating the Realm of Darkness when Maleficent ditched the Data World for Reality so that she could return to her own time period.

If the Master of Masters is the first Somebody to grace Quadratum then whoever he is must match his persona: has a Cat Motif, is Pompous, has Envy and is incredibly silly! Pete is the only candidate!

If that’s the case where is Pride? Inside the Black Box and not having abandoned his Body even as he sundered his Heart! He of course escapes the Black Box and gets offed sending him to Verum Rex to team up with the Somebody Pete(who stole Noctis’s identity centuries ago) while unleashing True Heartless(rather than Nightmares formed from Hearts impersonating Heartless) upon the Realms of Death over the centuries.

Further Edit: The Master of Masters’ new Voice in the KH4 Trailer from a flashback to his talk with one of the 13 Darknesses is of Demyx. Demyx’s demise was like a Portal activating when he lost even as the Darkness came leaking out of him. I suspect the Master of Masters stole Demyx’s identity before Sora defeated him forcing him to return Demyx’s identity which was followed by Xehanort splitting the guy into Pseudo Heartless and Pseudo Nobody.

The Master of Masters logically returned to Noctis’s identity causing Girl-Sora to be turned from Noctis to Yozora while Noctis turned into Girl-Sora.

The Master of Masters has to be beaten again to return Girl-Sora and Noctis to their original identities! I’m sure Sora’s rematch with the Master of Masters will be just as annoying as ever! Once his Noctis-guise is defeated Pete will have no choice but to return to his original form and when defeated in said form…he’d crystalize and shatter as he becomes Deader than Dead taking Envy with him.

Speculation on Worlds: We are apparently getting Endor so we may be seeing some Somebodies stealing the identity of Vader after he casts that identity aside & perishes! Sidious too I dare say! Everything has a Heart including Pots, Plants… even Vader’s clothing!

“Pink Floyd did one too…”


wow this is a large thread

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Originated back at the start of the troll empire mon.


“It’s actually our third, since the new formatting.”
/proud grin


that’s ridiculous

“Why do you say that?”


idk im just used to the older forums, a thread with 18k posts is a lot

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“The threads cap at 20,000 posts now.”


There were many many many old lounge threads in the old forums. Archives of ancient history, like I said dating back to the troll empire of old.


GW2’s Echovald is nice yet I miss the densely branch-filled sky from GW1 reminiscent of WoW’s Felwood(

Of course it may be that the videos I’ve been watching on YouTube have been holding out on me…

Can someone with GW2 End of Dragons check out the skies of Echovald Wilds, find a place with branches blotting out the sky like in the Felwood Screenshot I posted and post a Screenshot for me?

The whole Wonder and Grandeur of Echovald Forest is the Tree-Cities in Ruins with Green Moss everywhere combined with the haunting effect of the dead branches blotting out the sky when you look up!

If GW2 turns out to not have that anywhere in Echovald then it has failed to capture the wonder it once had!