GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

ok, one more MLP video.

But the thing is all 3 tribes said there was a war, who knows what really happened.


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Ugh… anyone else ever spend a good chunk of money only for the problem/issue you were trying to fix to STILL not be fixed?? :persevere:

Just got home, spent most of the day getting some suspension work done on my truck at the service center. Recently it had developed some bounciness/noises going over even normal-sized speed bumps.

Took it in last week for a free inspection, and they suspected work struts/shocks from the brief test drive the guy did - which is plausible, the last time I changed them out was late 2018 or so. I don’t even drive that much anymore (not as much as pre-2020), but I digress…

Ok, so I “think” it’s a simple case of replacing worn parts (2 + 2 = 4), so I order some parts off Amazon/online/etc last weekend and they get here yesterday. Drive down to the shop today to drop my truck off/have everything installed and such + a full alignment. I wait there for several hours since it’s jam-packed with other customers, and $918 later I get my truck back.

Handling does feel better, the old springs/shocks/etc were definitely a bit worn. So I drive home, I turn off onto the street leading to my place - which has 2 speed bumps along the way (…and they’re not even tall ones). I go over the first speed bump aaaaaaand… the same exact noise/“worn suspension” sound from before is still there :expressionless:

So, about $900 down the drain for nothing :-1:

Whelp, I guess it’s “back to the drawing board” investigating this mystery suspension noise. Sooooo lame lol, definitely not how I wanted to kick off my weekend, with a financial L and still right back where I started as far as the problem. Not gonna lie, it is a bit tilting.



With a truck did you recently remove something from the back that had been there a long time? Truck rear ends can be very bouncy with no weight. Or a lot more weight. Whatever it is, I hope you find a satisfying and inexpensive solution.

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“Weight in the back adds traction, yeah. It’s why VWs make the best Dune Buggies. The engine is in the back, thus adding traction to the back wheels.”

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(Lady Cyndi Lou dances in, singing…)


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i started watching game of thrones… i am so behind the times. oh well.

chrisp/gotnov the loser

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I never seen game of thrones.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou dances off, in search of sleep.)

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Happy Saturday!!

I’ve been really bad about leveling my alts this expansion, at the end of BFA I had almost 50 characters at level 120, in this expansion? I just got my second one to 60 last night. All on the rest are just sitting where they level squished.

On my three main servers I have all the professions, so the alts are important - for leveling more alts, maybe I’ll get 100 characters to level 50 :joy:, but I just don’t want to do the linear Shadowlands content on all of them, and skipping it all just to join a covenant and do world quests feels even worse. I’ve just been leveling alts to 50 and stopping, or bouncing around on Classic.

How has everyone else been playing lately? You all enjoying Shadowlands, of like me finding you only need to do this story on one character?


i have been lying in bed watching game of thrones the last few days only getting up to eat and waste… i would like to enjoy SL but i’m too cowardly to do any hard content and too lazy to level alts through it

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Watch “My Little Pony Friendship is Magic” and become one of us.

:sparkles: :butterfly: :balloon: :rainbow: :apple: :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:


one of us
one of us
one of us


Radar Love is the perfect song for those times when the speed limit is to be ignored.


I’ve been enjoying SL and this last patch. It helps to decide what one enjoys and stick with that. So no PvP, raids, dungeons or legendaries. Just have fun leveling and mixing the current stuff with old stuff. Right now I’m on rep 93 of 100 for the exalted achievement. Basically, take what Blizz is offering and see if there is fun to be had. If yes, woohoo! If no, time to find something else. So far a solid yes.

I like ZM in that there are so many ways to get some gear and deciding on what to play. I have all the Porkyporky talent tree stuff done. All the lore things done and just slowly grinding away to exalted with The Enlightened.


I couldn’t help it, the idea clawed at my soul and mind! I just couldn’t stay a Orc warlock with the lore knowledge I know and how I like to be the warlock. Orc warlocks are great but it’s just the Orc culture of reviling warlocks to less than dirt always, never trusting a old warlock ever, a Orc would rather assume his problem was unsolvable than trust a Orc warlock.

Hence I had to become troll. A slight change in race but the lore and culture is leagues different. Now I can still be liken to my old Raveintis ways on the horde. A powerful and knowledgeable warlock, you may not like his arts but his dark knowledge is available to his people should it be needed. Now it is instead of a Orc named Grimrave, it is a Troll referred to as Da Grimrave, hiding his true name to protect himself from da voodoo. A old troll who hides away in the darkest overgrown parts of his peoples territory, dabbling in the darkest voodoo and hexes yes, but also a troll expert on how to also cast away such dark mojo. “So mon, if you be needing a troll who knows de darkest mojo and want to make a deal with ja, dats me.”


This is fan made and it’s really good.


15k unread message. i have not been here in a long long time XD

wonder if anyone remember me


/running pounce



i do not recall you but welcome anyways i am not a real cool person so my opinion is dung

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