GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I just wish we had a properly functioning water mount that didn’t have strings attached like the water strider.


“I have that water walking on all my mounts now.”


I can walk on water with my hunter, shaman and death knight. The rest of my alts are out of luck. (Hunters can use water strider to walk on water which is a plus for them.)


Got my heirlooms updated we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

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“I do enjoy those who do go fishing. They are so relaxed and unprepared for Skuhzz to chum the water…”

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Dark Rangers!


“Alright boys who wouldn’t love a new tinker class added to the game! Finally the shorter races and others get a time to shine instead another elf only class! I can not wait to use these tech and so gadgets to fight fo-…”

Sad tinker noises…


If that really is true I might try the next expantion. I have been wanting to play a dark ranger for ages. I may not like Sly as much as I used to for reasons that will remain my own, but I just like the dark fantasy that the dark ranger provides.

That and then I feel like I could rp on some of my toons again.


sees dark ranger rumors

makes sad “4 accounts already full and a fifth partially and can’t sub them all and don’t even play that much” poverty altaholic idiot useless person noises


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“All you need is one slot to make a Dark Ranger.”

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i feel bad tonight sorry
hope you are well. and everyone else is too

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“I am doing good. Got bored, so I put another level on my Orc, and then went and put a level on my Rogue Main on Mankrik.”

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yesterday i got a female undead destro warlock from 36 to 47. by doing twilight highlands questline.

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“Good job.”

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thanks i guess, though it is probably just wasted time and effort, maybe i enjoyed it a mite.

Not gonna lie, taking a quick peek at the front page to see what these GD’ers are talking about today I’m kinda surprised/shocked by the lack of Mage Tower complain threads :face_with_monocle:

Is it just that because it’s permanent now so people are more relaxed and don’t feel as “under stress” or “under pressure” like the last time? Or did enough GD’ers already get their goodies last time/don’t need it anymore? What’s going on here? Hmmmmmm :thinking:

Skimming thru the front page here it honestly looks pretty tame for day 1 of Mage Tower being back, I count a total of 2 Mage Tower complain threads (as of this post) amongst all the other fluff threads

Part of me is kinda disappointed, I had secretly been hoping for a decent spread of new Mage Tower complain/crying threads to lurk in/entertain myself with :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

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i honestly have not attempted new mage tower on any toons once yet so i have no place to say anything about it good or bad.

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Maybe because Elden Ring is out something else is out to kick their butts lol.

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i went in there just to get a gage on it and got rocked lol it will be a nice challenge for sure but gonna go at it in moderation

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“I will indeed be one to try it eventually, but to be honest the rewards present do not really push me towards completing that mundane task. Some reskinned armors and a flying book? To some those things… might be perfect but I am a more particular individual who collects weapons over armors… I would need a lot more black in those armors before I even raise a aristocratic eyebrow of consideration.”