GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

The forsaken should have known better. Don’t ever speak when people are yelling at each other in hate speach. They will immideitly team up agaist you.

Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons Spoilers

I’ve noticed that the Quaggan mentions that it was Dragons as in plural that drove them out not just one Dragon.

The Mist Wars according to the Devs is a multiversal war between multiple Tyrias so the possibility that there may be Alternate Soo-Wons attacking from the Depths is not hard to imagine.

Furthermore the Empress of Cantha who calls Jennah sister and like Jennah is suspected to be one of the Twin Goddesses Lyssa calls Jennah “our sister” despite using singular in reference to her proclaimed father which is suspiciously like the Dragonvoid’s use of “we” in reference to it’s self.

Cantha which is heavily dedicated to Lyssa also has Soo-Won statues everywhere even in Guild Wars 1 when the Canthans were assumed to not even know the existence of Soo-Won…

What if Lyssa is just two Alternate Versions of Soo-Won and those are her statues?.. It would explain their Domain of Water which resembles Abaddon who like Lyssa has ties to Purple Magic.

I suspect that Abaddon usurped an Alternate Soo-Won and fell to the Dragonvoid just like his predecessor did when the Gods decided to hoard Magic in the Bloodstones rather than share it.

The Empress of Cantha using the word “our” in reference to herself when speaking of her sister pretty much means the Dragonvoid has already taken over completely. The Canthan Minister mentioning how normal her corrupt predecessor is after arrest as something frightening means that the Empress orchestrated Soo-Won’s escape and thus is completely dedicated to the Void’s schemes.

The AU Soo-Wons known as Lyssa will reveal their true nature soon. They plan to have a talk with each other. The death of the Playable Tyria’s Dragonvoid will be enough for the AU Soo-Wons to convince each other to drop all pretense and unleash the Void on Tyria at Raisu Palace.

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It’s Tuesday so it’s time for your weekly dose of “Twitter calm the frick down”

Apparently a twitch streamer famous for hot tub livestreams and ASMR streams has purchased quite a bit of Activision Blizzard stock (Amouranth is her handle)

She brought nearly $2 million worth or 24,000 shares

Timely reminder - there is 779.28 million outstanding shares of ATVI. This translates to an incredibly small fraction of ATVI shares. For a controlling share she would have to pay $31.12 Billion for 50% of all shares + 1.

It means she gets votes when something comes up to vote and she can present something for all shareholders to vote on. But it does not mean she can give marching orders to ATVI.


my island expedition npc is just missing so cant solo que :pouting_cat:

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Interesting. From what I’ve read she can afford it and it fits with her rather quirky but generally safe investments. She is one more proof no one ever went broke over-estimating the power of young, male hormones. LOL.


Maybe you know something about shadow priest.

When I’m leveling if feels like the dps is garbage and takes forever to kill one thing. Not only that, but mobs tend to come over to hit me when I just hit the one and smash my face into the ground.

I’m leveling as disc priest, but it seems the damage is mega garbage and takes forever to kill something. I think this is a me problem the class just feels wonky to me and the damage is terrible on both shadow and disc.

I suck when it comes to playing both mage and priest I die alot while questing and leveling on both.

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Are you heirloomed out? I don’t die too much but i mostly play holy priests. Very rarely die while leveling except maybe to rares/elites/dungeon mobs in the 50+ range.

chrisp the unachiever

Like Chrisp, I leveled Pen in BFA as holy. Nothing died fast but then nothing could kill me. Definitely a class one levels in the scenic mode.


It’s an me issue :frowning:

Maybe try holy and see what happens? I just want to get her leveld enough to work on her cloth cd. Disc feels the most sluggish as far as I see.

Yes, but I need to upgrade a trinket when I get home.

It shouldn’t take 10 minutes to kill a final quest boss, but maybe upgrade my trinket and see what happens. I never liked shadow, hoping for fourth specs for the test of classes. I would like a Kagome or Kikyo preist where we use bows, and cross bows to shoot light energy at stuff as a priest 4rth spec.

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Look at the gear, at least two of the heirlooms have fallen behind. Updating them or replacing them with current gear will help a lot, especially the one trinket and cloak.

Yinzu sure looks the part. :smiley:


very nice. i never got any of the hellscream looms or the ring looms or WoD looms :frowning: don’t forget to gem your weapon since it has some slots if you want some more power… you can also put enchants from Shadowlands on your gear after level 50



Another thing if you got willing friends or guild mates, you can go from 50-60 in about 3 hrs in dungeons being carried by a 60 lvl tank friend.

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Most of them quit or moved on to another server. :frowning:

9.2 killed what I had for friends to play with. I don’t blame them for not wanting to buy WoW token to play I didn’t either.

Cost me a raiding spot and any chance for players to do keys with. I wasn’t going to buy a WoW token to buy a legendary upgrade. The 291 is a requirement for raiding for any difficulty (except LFR), for all the guilds who remain raiding and push higher keys.


I hear you, I struggled with it as well but actually found herb farming to be rather lucrative. I’m a pvper most of the time so grabbing a few plants around the shadows inbetween battlegrounds was easy and gets you cash quick! Plus for me it means finding enemies in warmode…


I’m going to do some fishing, I’ve been neglecting that. I also need to finish opening BFA and hope they put skips for alts instead of opening it up on all my alts.

I bet they say “ok we’re going to just give you BFA flying” when I finished getting flying. I just need Mechagon revered than I’m done. That’ll be just how my luck turns out lol.


“I love fishing. It’s relaxing, even in game.”


I hope they do more with it, maybe boat mounts that can fit at least 5 people. Fishing trip!


“I would LOVE that. I do have the Raft.”


Raft is fine, but it expires and sometimes is a little wonky.


“I agree, but it’s still fun.” :slight_smile: