GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

they are too out of control for me lol

ooo yes boss

:bear: yummy
:bear: taste better than rock

I go hunt more :bear:

zug zug

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You need to be specific on what type of pig, there are boar mounts you can get from WoD.

I know what kind of pig mount your talking about. :pig2:

I don’t count the hogger in shop, because it’s RL cultural related more than a game thing.

I’m still wanting fir the Slimesaber and a duck mount. :duck:

Give us ducks please.

The stereotypical one. We need one

I remember seeing that version of Chollet’s Web in school.

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“These are crazy days indeed…”


Couldn’t resist…

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Large thudding steps can be heard in the distance as it looms closer… Flies buzz and squeal as the air becomes a fetid mess of musk and the smell of damp gore… A mewling whine can be heard perhaps under the floorboards before it comes… He has arrived…

“You guys talk a lot about swine, such a unique creature, they eat everything if they are hungry enough… Bones… Gristle… Hair… I quite enjoy that attribute of them, good way to remove a rival if you can incapacitate him in their pens… I do however wonder if Quillboar are so eager for flesh food as well?”

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Well, consider that lesson learned. When given the choice between BS tolls and a nearly 2hr delay to cover 10 miles which extends your drive home to 7+ hrs from a 4.5ish hr drive…pay the damn tolls.

Also, I do not reccomend taking I-85 out of Buford GA anytime soon. Jumpin’ Jehosephat!

Go primal take the wilds, move along the beast paths as the dominant predator with no traffic. That’s how I do it…

Remember we need a pig mount. Watch blizzard put it on the store

“I like the flying pig mount we already have.”

Poor cat. :cat2:

And what a creepy dream for a kid to have, lol.

Funny thing to note: Romero Style Zombies were actually Vampires in the original I Am Legend Novel.

Furthermore Vampires in Medieval Folklore are pretty much Romero-Style Zombies being Flesh-Eating Revenants(Undead).

The Folklore Zombies are Reanimated by what can be called a Necrourge(the word Necromancy means Divination by the Dead while Necrourgy means) therefore a Flesh-Eating Zombie would naturally be a Vampire bound to the will of a Necrourge!

“Haitian Zombies, the original Zombies, were controlled by fear, and Hypnosis.”

In reality yes but in the actual Folklore they were indeed Revenants bound to the Bokor’s will.

“I prefer reality. LOVE the movie Serpent’s Rainbow.”