GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

pokes his head out from under his favorite blankie on Surfy’s lap


Also, I discovered our HR lady bears a pretty strong resemblence to an adult “flim star”.

grabs a tasty :bear::sandwich: and curls up on Surfy’s lap to watch adorable otter videos


I am not scared of anything. But it is also why I get into trouble like this a lot.

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It’s the Monday that never ends it goes on and on my friends


Why don’t we have peguses unicorn mount yet? Just cut off kyrian wings and past it on a unicorn mount.


Give us the mount or else.


A dark thud of cloven hooves can be heard in the stirring darkness outside… A sudden stillness overtaking the winds as whines and braying can be heard in the distances… Closer the hooves thud, a huge creature looming just beyond your sight… And yet it’s horrid musk fills the air choking the lungs… The braying and screaming of animals becomes louder as it draws ever closer… It has arrived, fetid breaths of ragged gasping can be heard from all around before Turasko steps into view.

“We have a Pegasus Mount from the hearthstone game and several unicorns from pvp in Legion. You think they could give wings to one using Invincible’s skeleton rig.”


“With so many flying, winged, horses in the game, just give one of them a horn. Problem solved.”


“I only yearn for personal wings for the flyer. A great winged span of putrid black feathers striking fear into my enemies as the horned beast takes the skies…”


“Just saying, it would be easier for them to put a Horn on a Winged Horse, than to put Wings on a Horned Horse. The Graphic Codes would be simpler.”

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“Your not wrong, my desire for a abomination of a Mount though, I’ll take a six legged horse with wings using the fly bug mounts like the necrolord corpse fly. I want my unnatural horrors of mind flaying creation.”


A braying scream fills the air from some far off dark place…

“Looks like it is time for me to head out, got more work to do… Hunting soft fleshed and weak things that dare crawl among my blood hunting grounds… I’ll return later…”

Turasko wanders off his thudding hooves echoing in the darkness long after his visage had disappeared from sight.


yawns and pokes his head out from under his favorite blankie on Surfy’s lap

Don’t forget to ask them if they’re bears first! If they lie and say no, then you know they’re a naughty lying bear and you can bonk them on the head with a bear stick until they turn into tasty :bear::sandwich:!

yawns again and crawls back under his favorite blankie for a well deserved nap after a long night of sleeping


looks at cat pack

sees that Laeuko has the mounts already and one of the pets and its $10.93 for 3 she doesn’t have

Should I buy the 3 for $10.93? It would be buy one get 2 free. Rounding the tax to $11.ish.

I don’t if I should be rounding with MA tax or CA tax, I assume CA tax.

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If Swarf was here I say we need a pig mount. I see why he pushes for it

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he seems to really like them pigs :pig:

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I don’t blame him pigs are adorable especially those ones in stormsong valley you rescue