GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

You might be knew but I guarantee you knew one of my faces.

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“I know about Nuclear Power. I know how dangerous it is too. If Russia had hit that plant in Ukraine, ALL of Europe would have been contaminated. I refuse to accept a source of Power that can kill the world, and all it needs is some madman with a bomb. No thanks.”

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They did hit that plant, nuclear plants are built tough, the newer plants are even more safe than anything else before. It caught fire, the fire was extinguished and the plant remained mostly unharmed, the reactor was untouched.

As for radiation, a nuclear plant meltdown hardly even hold water to the most radioactive spot on the planet. Unfortunately this is a subject I know stupidly well, I had a grandfather in nuclear power.

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I have something disturbing to tell you. I saw “crate of meat” at your cooking vendor at Thunder Bluff while I was buying flour for a quest in Darkmoon fair. Is Bain hiding something we should know?

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“They hit the plant, they MISSED the Reactors. There are FIVE of them there. Four more than Chernobyl. Five times the danger of Chernobyl. Now they control the largest hub of energy for all of Europe.”

“Sorry, but I will NEVER trust Nuclear Power. It has too many things that can go wrong. One Country can hold a whole continent hostage. With Solar and Wind Power NO ONE will ever have total control, and it is a million times safer.”

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“Tauren are NOT ‘cows’. Real cows do exist on Azeroth.”

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Chernobyl was built faulty and had less computer power than the phones in your hands.

I know, we have had this argument before. Neither of us are willing to budge on our positions, it typically ends the same way. The anti nuclear lobbying has done nuclear powers image irreversible damage, damage I encounter every time I fight these arguments.

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“And the one in Ukraine has more power PER REACTOR then. Even worse. They fall, the land dies. Earth is more important to me than that. Only Nature can stop the Sun, or halt the Wind. Man has no control, and cannot monopolize Nature.”

“I do not trust an energy that can kill the World. I don’t care how safe they make the buildings, reactors, machines. One wrong move, and the Earth is gone. As well as all us Humans along with it.”

“It’s not really Nuclear Power I don’t trust, it’s the HUMANS in charge of it. I would prefer a Power they CAN’T turn against each other.”

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I was given the helm of Domination to test it on animals for a quest. Should I try it on?

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lol I remember when the helm of Domination was something that you would dream of getting. Now it is a quest item.


Late night coffee club…


I’ll take it as a yes.

puts on Helm of Domination

ice and snow swirls around Laeuko freezing the lounge as icicles and snow fill the lounge


I feel…

I feel…

I feel the need to open my own ice cream shop.


Chernobyl is one of the most nature filled places on the planet, the single place that saved European wolves from extinction. A nuclear disaster will never result in some mad max looking event. Just as scientists guessed wrong with Chernobyl, nature has a plan for everything including radiation, it’s the reason Radiotropic fungi exist.

Humans will always use whatever power they can against each other it’s why nukes which are not like nuclear power plants exist. But nuclear is the only power that will allow mankind to grow and finally reach the stars. Even hydro adversely affects nature more than nuclear, nuclear is the only power to save a animal from extinction.

Again though, this argument will probably be going in circles until frustration takes over. If you wish to stop we can.

What could go wrong?


I am the new proprietor of dozens of new delicious flavors!

Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, oreo, cookie dough, coffee almond fudge, cheesecake, unicorn, void, fel, anima, death and rocky rhoad.

Can your tastebuds survive the frozen cone!

If your lactose intolerant your suffering is at an end, I have Sorbet and Nut-free vegan ice cream.

Please take a sample.

gives ice cream sample to the lounge


While I wish chernobyl didn’t happen in the first place, I gotta admit it’s pretty neat to see life continue anyway there. Until recent events anyway.

It reminds me of how sometimes people sink a ship that won’t be used anymore. So that stuff can grow onto the ship underwater.


To me it showed the main thing wildlife needs to thrive, is lack of humans. Also Radiotropic fungi being the coolest lifeform ever, it literally consumes and deletes radiation as fuel for its body. Your wonder and mysterious ways of creating a lifeform for every single thing mesmerizes me Mother Nature.

Eh. Humans in general are okay. It’s the ignorant ones that are the issue and unfortunately there’s a lot of them. Its why I just like watching nature stuff at home. Nature still gets to be nature and I get to watch cute things.

Whose a remorseless killing machine? You is. You is. :heart:

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You have more faith than me in humans I give humans like maybe 8% are good. This number would be higher if humans weren’t affected by the stresses of poverty. It’s hard for humans to care about issues if their own situation ain’t good. But I digress…

Don’t forget the dumb humans would try to buy these as pets and hurt wild populations, it was done to clownfish, blue mawcaw and more.

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I tend to see humanity like how they’re portrayed in devilman crybaby. I can’t show it because of nudity but there’s just these little beautiful moments in that series that show humanity has the potential to be better. Its just complicated.


You and I hope for the same things, I’m just not sure it’s a world where humans rule over it. Perhaps I am wrong and they will grow to be better, but a entire existence of warfare makes me doubt this.

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