GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I love resuing nelfy souls too - not in too much of a rush to rescue Anduin, Jaina and so forth

So my toons still have some story left to do :smiley:


I wish I could play with you guys in classic.

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Okay, not gonna lie. As a BM Hunter, the new Jailer’s Gauntlet-the boss rush bit-is CRAZY fun! I just did the second floor at around 9-10 ilvls below recommended to see how far I could get. The last boss has a bullet hell component which you can easily stop by killing spawned adds and FD’ing out of his laser nuke.

But HOW did I do it?

Pet buffs! If you take all the pet buffs (+size, +dmg, etc.), not only does it LOOK hilarious, but it’s just a matter of dispelling, misdirecting (get that MD damage reduction buff!) and keeping mend pet up (not that you’ll need it as of this moment).

Other than that, just pew pew to your heart’s content.

Huggy has a new pet from the first floor. It’s a Tormenter with a truly fearsome and terrifying name…Lil Billy! And for the 2nd floor, you get a Domination HS, the 3rd floor gets you a title (which I’m going for on Saturday) and the 4th floor gives you a Mawrat mount…perfect for Evil Elmer!

But dang is it fun to have a giant kitty mauling baddies!

“You CAN. Just make a Horde on the same server we have our Gnomes on.”


I do have horde toons on Azuresong. It is my main server.

I am just to busy to really do anything with people.


It seems classic orcs are radioactive green.

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“We can nudge you, just in case, when we go do stuff.”

“Stupid Blizzard is telling me my orc can’t post more than 3 times in here, AFTER she hit 10 posts. Now she can’t post any more, and I don’t understand why.”

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It’s fine. I have just been feeling down all week.

I also just haven’t been feeling good latley around here in general. I haven’t felt good after people didn’t want a discord to hang out on as it makes me chose between what I do irl and my other games and hanging out here. Wow isn’t a big thing for me right now and because people don’t want to stay in touch though discord I feel bad that I don’t have a good method for keeping in touch.

I also just feel bad that I can’t keep myself more avaiaible. The whole be yourself and things will work out thing just dosn’t seem to work right now as me being myself and doing what I am doing just leads to me being alone like it did when I was a kid.

I don’t know, I guess at the end of the day I am not a person that people want to go out of their way to keep in touch with and I just have to figure out a way to accept that. It was that way in school and it just seems to still be that way now.


Working on another oc. ( The one that’s half bat half centipede if ya’ll remember )

I straight up forgot centipedes molt. So now I’m left with the horrifying visual of this character having to molt his lower half on occasion.

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You only get that whey you post three times in a row when no one else posted. It is possibly a fourm glitch.


“It said it is because the Toon is new. I had only posted twice in a row, on her, when it showed up.”

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A feeling I know all too well

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there is an automated message for new toons but it isn’t to tell you not to post, more something along the lines if you like the thread or something or welcome to the fourms.

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“This told me she was too new, and to try visiting other forums. I went and read a few threads, but it didn’t help.”

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If I recall it’s read a few, like a few, maybe comment.


“What I find strangest is, it didn’t show up until after her 10th post.”

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Can you imagine a Witch trying to transfer her Immortal Vampire Daughter to an aging Body via cloning only to abysmally fail due to “Copy Memories onto Clone” does not equal “Soul Transfer”?

One can simply imagine the Immortal Undead Daughter snarking at her mother for not realizing the obvious!

Infact considering the hints of there being Magic(Arf changing form from Dog to Dog-girl, Alicia Testarossa not aging, Yuuno talking as a Ferret, the Materials having a Psychic connection and Hayate Yagami’s staff calling her Master) that is exactly what I assume happened in Lyrical Nanoha Innocent’s backstory.

I assume Alicia died, Precia preformed Necromancy on her(since the setting lacks Midchilda and Al-Hazard forcing her to take drastic measures), she was unable to age in so much as a Year so she cloned her(using what Tech she could get in desperation) and copied her Memories onto the Clone AKA Fate and realized too late that copying Memories onto a Clone is not Soul Transfer(and got a few snarks from Alicia on that before taking Fate on as a little sister)!

With that in mind it is obvious what Precia would have resorted to in the Main Series if Al-Hazard’s Jewel Seeds hadn’t presented an opportunity to bring her back as a fully living Human that can age provided she get all of them! She would have used Necromancy!

It’s only due to the Magic Technology in Midchilda already being advanced that she didn’t resort to Necromancy immediately and desperately researched other solutions! In a world that doesn’t delve much into Magi-Tech she goes straight to Necromancy and switches to Tech when the side effects present themselves and when Tech fails gives up completely and accepts what she has!

Fate naturally would be 6 years younger than Alicia(with Alicia and Precia noticing the lack of aging in one Year leading to an attempt to Clone Alicia thus giving Fate only the experience of a Kindergartener when Alicia is in the 1st Grade) and 5 Years younger than Nanoha.

Of course it’s odd that the Materials sucked in the Memories of not just the owner of the Book of Darkness but 2 random Child Magic Users to attain physical form. The owner of the Book is natural as might be Fate(as Hayate seems to have known the Testarossa family for some time) but why Nanoha(and Yuuno since Stern has Yuuno’s traits too)? Did she and Yuuno randomly fly over the general area that Stern drew Memories from at some point in her life?

It always appears when it is most inconvenient…

And you Deathknight still a great poetic writer.


“I am not a Deathknight.”

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