GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“Indeed they do.”


I might try to sneak up and see dark mommy this week too.

I don’t think she was the current voice actress - but I gots to see :slight_smile:
Well, and to give her a hug too :smiley:

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“We should both pay her a visit.”

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yep :slight_smile:

Get a selfie in too :smiley:

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“Like my new goggles? I leveled up my engineering a bit.”

“What do I need to do, again, to get past three posts in here?”

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yep, noticed :slight_smile:

You’ve been doing well with that engineering :smiley:

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“That reminds me. You are carrying a gun sidearm, aren’t you? What gun do you have?”

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I forget the name, but it’s low end - basically only good for initiating a pull

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“I have a much better one for you. I made you a Silver-Plated Shotgun. I make bullets too. So you never have to pay for ammo either.”
/Big Grin

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ooo ty :slight_smile: My current one is so weak, I almost expect a mob to stop and look at me muttering “Seriously Duddette” lol

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Half of it does and the other half no.

Thank you, I’m fine now.

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“That is the gift I have for you. As soon as you get it, you can get to leveling it. I have scopes too.”

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I’ll probably be picky in Ashenvale - long time nelfy - so I get a lil squeemish going after my sisters :slight_smile:

Yeah, it’s something I’ve had to practice. Horde Rogues don’t need distract - they just ask any availible Tauren to go bear form and take a stroll…boom Elmer’s off chasing :rofl:

Awesome - will work good :slight_smile:
Serving Tea and cookies tonight - probably be free tomorrow to pair up :slight_smile:


“Great. I’ll put a scope on it, and get some ammo ready.”

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Simple Chocolate chip cookies - Just needed hot yummies ready quick :slight_smile:


“So you want to come get it now?”

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refilling the tea pot - 5 min then I should be able to dive in

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“I’ll go get it ready.”

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Shadowlands is so bad we would rather play with or characters in the forums than in the game, lol.


I tend to make my own fun when the xpac is a bit of a fizzle. It’s how I started my peacenik drood :smiley:

but I’ve always been a bit of an odd sort :smiley: