oo and happy sunday too
LOL. Nice use of searches.
Mmmm… there are 15 Penumbrae and eight of which are priests. Oh and two guilds named Penumbrae. /flexes
Couldn’t resist
Ahh so Pen’s a popular name. Would u know it’s meaning
Looking at an eclipse the darkest part in the cast shadow is the “umbra” and the and the lighter shadow between the umbra and light is the “penumbra” or “penumbrae” plural. She was originally to be both a shadow and holy priestess so she got the name as something that embraces both light and shadow.
All my character’s names refer back to the original idea of their back stories and influences how they will behave. Interestingly, Pen never bought into the idea of the “Light” and ended up finding a connection to Elune. Obviously the Kaldorei don’t take her very seriously but she finds in her belief the power to heal. Elune has never directly communicated with Pen and she’s fine with that as long as she can still heal and, when necessary, bring da pain.
Throws brick at lounges window with a note attached.
Note unravels the brick at Cyndilou’s feet reading
As a novice rogue my plans have been foiled! However, when my skills are improved, I shall return. I noticed a rogue has taken back all the goods I have stolen, I propose that we team up and together as outlaws we can be rich beyond our wildest dreams.
I was recently hired to perform a heist in Stormwind. my secret boss told us to go look for talent such as yours to join us. My specialty is cutting off security, and distraction, your type of talent is what we’re looking for.
P.S: This letter will explode in 7 seconds.
note explodes leaving no traces of existance.
ooo Pen’s a believer in mother moon
/dances around the lounge joyfully passing out carrot cake to all
“No. I do not wish to be your partner in crime.”
“I took back my Friend’s belongings, that do NOT belong to YOU.”
(Lady Cyndi Lou commands her Army Of Tiny Robots to fix the broken window.)
(robotically sits in the lounge)
chris p.’s human rogue
I haven’t been here in a while.
15 Malochai’s only one is me.
I wonder which of my characters has the most matches.
The Vulpera is my new rogue, I hope everyone enjoyed the comedy. She can be a bit wild, anyhow I ran out of fun skits, so I won’t be posting on her anymore.
“Welcome Back.”
“I hope she is aware, that I am a part of the Security in here, and I will not tolerate my Friends being targeted.”
I don’t think she will be coming back anytime soon knowing that you are around. She is a treasure hunter, I think Surfy’s daggers is what piqued her interest. Surf’s daggers are valuable since Teldrassil is no more and anything made there is worth a fortune now.
“She may come here as a Friend, but she may not profit off of the Patrons.”
chris p.’s Gandram potates on a bed
welcome to the bodega
Good luck on your Love Rocket mounts tomorrow! Love Is In The Air event starts tomorrow!
Shaman luck for all!
Norinila got arrested for steeling a bloon on free bloon day
“What’s a Bloon?”