GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Good Morning folks

Happy almost Friday :slight_smile:


Happy Friday eve!


oo yeah

almost there :slight_smile:


Snow bomb incoming Friday night into Saturday.



dinked around and got another demon hunter to level 50. god i sucked at pvp with her though.

chris p.


Pvp is bad atm, I 'm not even going to bother to try, I’ll just melt by a mythic geared and mythic conduit.

If pvp was like Legion, l would be playing battlegrounds.

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Actually one of the side games me and Elmer have on the side these days is “who dies the most”

Somehow he always wins :rofl:

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Tauren Mills/South Shore Brawl don’t quite have the feel of the old days, but can still be a fun slugfest.

but I’m the odd type who thinks an alterac lasting hours is a good thing, the last 2 min of original Wintergrasp used to be the epic lagfest of all time, and “Epic Ashran” is kind of a contradiction in terms :rofl: :rofl:


Tending Bar used to be great though :slight_smile:

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Ok that was kind of disturbing …

Waid here popping in on the Vulpera


I think I might just retire my stories and find some other job venture to explore. I really don’t feel like I can do this anymore.

I just saw someone who is a hobbiest writter come in for 3 months and do better at the business than I have for almost a full year. They have a comminity that wants to support them, talk to them and what do I have? I am still begging people to get on my Patreon and those who are there don’t want to stay. My work isn’t good enough to make it and no matter how much I try I am not going to be able to write anything that people enjoy.

I just feel that instead of trying to drive myself crazy and make myself think I can achive something I can’t I should go get a real job and move on with my life.

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This so reminds me of Sseth Tzeentach. Just priceless.


This isn’t a bad decision at this point in time. Instead of having to “produce” you can continue to spend time on the side developing your style and your themes while getting your life on a solid foundation. It is all experience that will pay off in terms of giving you more experience in building the sketches that will become characters as well as increase the range you will ultimately be able to give them. It will build upon who you are and as a writer that is a priceless contribution to your future.


I don’t want to stop just to come back to it in the future. If I am so bad at this that someone who writes for fun can do better than me than I just don’t want to do this at all as I am wasting me time in this prusit.


It sounds like you aren’t bad at writing as much as not being an experienced and established publisher and literary agent. As far as I know, very few authors try to manage all of those roles as each is a full time job.

It may be a good thing to walk away for a while but if there are books within you, they’ll make themselves known very insistently.


I have done the reascearch and publishes and agents just don’t help out like they used to it is why I went into selp publshing. Tradinial publishing is a road these days with more and more headaches and les and less profit. They don’t market for you anymore or anything like that. All that is going for them is in in house editor.

I have been trying to market myself for the last year and I don’t feel like I am getting anywhere. If my only other choice is to work with people who won’t help me with the issue I am struggling iwth the most and take more of my money than that isn’t help.

Don’t feel too bad man, some of that is just the nature of the internet.

There’s people that struggle to make minimum wage as full-time streamers… and then there’s random girls making 6-figures just posting selfies :man_facepalming:

There’s really well thought-out, informative Youtube videos that struggle to crack 10k views… and then there’s a random “cute” animal video that gets 10 million+ views :man_facepalming:

One of my favorite twitch streamers rarely has more than 50 viewers, it’s a small/cozy little setting and I enjoy his antics. I’m subbed to him and have been for over a year now.

Recently I tuned in about halfway into one of his streams and he was venting to his discord buddies about how he might have to give up his dream of streaming and “go look for a pharmacy job or something” since money is (apparently) tight.

He further ranted that he had been “living like a broke 20-year old college student” while trying to get his twitch streaming off the ground - but even despite cutting down to the basics/living super cheap he was just barely covering his bills :neutral_face:


I’ve known one woman who became a thrice published author and that required spending a lot of money to go through a well respected Master’s program where she thrived with the rather brutal process of refining her writing through some tough feedback from professors and fellow students. From there she made contacts who made contacts with agents and then publishers.

It was a lot of work, especially after publication with book tours, readings and stuff like that. She took a full year off just to recover before starting on her second. Writing is wonderful, but getting published is brutal before and after.

I’ve written two one woman one act plays that have been performed at colleges and that’s painful in other ways such as having to become a director, acting coach, lighting and all of that stuff. My most wonderful feedback was after the inaugural performances was a large cluster of female students were adamantly asserting that there was no way a man could have written those plays. Greatest compliment ever.