GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Then there are the days I wake up and feel like I’m in the front line of the Charge of the Rohirrim.


300 Spartans trying to hold off the Persian Army for me :rofl:
(yup, pretty much the same result in the end Pen :slight_smile: )


Possibly new forum layout and format. They will make it where you can only post on one character, can’t use alt armies to like your posts, can’t flag someone to oblivion with alts, and use alts to comment on posts pretending to be a different persons. Some people do abuse alts haveing conversations to themselves trying to male their arguments look good, lol.

I hope they make it where people can’t use alts to flag, like and pretend to be another person.

Use tags (without the # numbers) Pick a character people want to post with.

Changes are coming hopefully more good than bad.

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i got burn by folks doing that and felt so stupid afterword :crying_cat_face:
so yeah totaly agree and hope it happens


content will come out that is internally tested that means it will not be totaly spoiled and theorycrafting months befor its even out

right off the bat this approach will add so much excitement and discovery to the game and this is just a miner change i can esaly see happening

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Here you have an 8K presenting an “Agreement and Plan of Merger” for the ATVI/Microsoft thing.

I did not expect these to be submitted so soon. I wasn’t expecting these for a few months at least. This is coming why too fast so Imma go to bed to has an old man sleep before I get into reading 92 pages of a merger document :expressionless:


Days like this?


I do hope they keep the people who been working on the game for many years, they are the ones who knows the games biology.

I hear people in the forums who talk about someone named Ion, no idea who that isall I know is he is probably a manager or something. It seems all people do is stalk him by looking at his character status.

Ion maybe one of the folks who been working on WoW since beginning?

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meow. in the other videos section of that showing off video game cosmetics vid there was this old Captain Grim video for me.
So I Let my Viewers Write the Script for this Video - YouTube

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yes indeed

Not sure who that is either.
Then again, my playing is simple - I like grabbing stray gnomeys and making evil pallies jump off from very high places

the splat can be very satisfying :rofl: :rofl:


I already did it! Do I have to find ANOTHER good thing about myself? Duhhh… anyway it’s pretty cool that you help people ingame. I used to do that but other than “helping” random people doing the same quest I’m on I haven’t really helped people anymore for a while. I guess I help people on the same quest as me or toss a heal on people that need it. Me and a stranger two-manned Consumption when I was crummily geared… I died during it and came back due to the Archbishop healing legendary lol. Was fun.

Anyway another good thing about me… I really don’t know. I’m not a very good person. My personality problems are on my mind right now. Anyway. Idk.

I nominate umm Aevelamue.


Ion is the Game Director of World of Warcraft so he’s been singled out as the point of many folks’ discontent with the game. He’s been with the company a long time and is a high end raider. He was part of the legendary Elitist Jerks back in the day.


me too!!! lol anyways i fixed up some lawn equipment for the naber that was nice!

i now nominate Mërlina


Time for some 80s


He’s so cool. That was a cool video.



Possible that people above Ion are telling him to stretch out the expansion as much as possible. Thus all the misery of grinding, systems, and gating.

The company looks like it started sinking after BFA, because someone was dipping their hands in the funds cookie jar (as a theory). Also internal issues has been building up all these years and than exploded.

Not too much money was invested in Shadowlands judging by its $40 for the expansion itself.

Yeah, Shadowlands was too complex and too much to keep up and maintain. Simple is what people like, and keeps subs.

I would say may favorite raid boss so far is Blackhand, falling through the floor was pretty fun.

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it’s probably all my fault, i’m a perv in private and dreamed up bfa and sl maybe blizzard just reflected all my thoughts and faults and also i haven’t been thinking much for years now just living so maybe they’re running out of ideas like me maybe it’s all my fault i dunno


Nothing is your fault to what happened to the company, your just a customer. Dreams can be premonitions sometimes without people knowing. Companies don’t spy on people’s personal lives.

It just seems the dev’s forgot what fun was and made Shadowlands into a job.

I would like to see a giant inflatable moon bounce house in DarkMoon fair, that would be fun. :smiley:

Oh, my gosh it’s cold out.

lava lashes the lounges fire place :fire:
a nice roaring fire warms up the lounge

That’s better.