GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I think they were just showing off or maybe putting out an indirect resume.

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I hope that’s the case, they would lose less than a second and wind up in prison or stay broke the rest of their life. I don’t wish that on anyone, but don’t be stupid to steal product identity to make a quick buck.

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I say that someone should at least take inspiration from D&D’s Manual of the Planes and create a set of TV Shows each involving a Plane of Existence with multiple Layers just like the Planes of D&D!

Imagine a Multi-layered Gothic-Horror Plane where the Infinitely Expanding Layers are:

  1. Endless Sea of Blood dominated by Dracula’s Castle and filled with Gothic Characters and led by Death and Famous Vampires like Dracula, Carmilla, Alucard, Orlok, Akasha, Blacula, Laura, Barlowe, Lucy Westenra and Mocha.
  2. Infinite Hills of Victor Frankenstein resembling Tirisfal Glades ruled by Doctor Victor Frankenstein with both Undead Abominations and Frankenstein’s Monsters everywhere!
  3. Infinite Egyptian Tombs ruled by The Mummies.
  4. Infinite Inlets inhabited by either the Cult of Cthulhu or the Deep Ones(who are trying to hide their presence unlike the Cult of Cthulhu who are blatantly baptizing people into becoming Cthulhu-faced Humanoids).
  5. Infinite Witch Forest of Nyarlathotep where Witches are like that of Drustvar yet besides the Drust-like Horrors there are also Mad Things resembling Legion Inquisitors and Void Anubisaths.
  6. The Infinite Necropolis of the Undead ruled by Liches infused with Green Death Energies.
  7. The Endless Dark Woods with Medieval Houses on alert for Werewolves and Ghosts.
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its real. it’s just a fan project it has some cool ideas but there never worth it long term the quality is never stable and they allwas just get shut down

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I will give them credit where credit is due, it doesn’t look cartoony.


What is wrong with cartooney?

You get to say that’s all folks. (I don’t know how to say the first part of Porky Pigs saying)


I have been seeing stuff like that pop up lately. What is with the bully version of old spider man being put into other media right now?

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just a Trend someone did it and it got popular then it gets copied to different things this one had me rofl :joy_cat:

Tis the season… for spending those Christmas/leftover Starbucks gift cards :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Anyone else get a decent # of Starbucks gift cards for Christmas from randoms/acquaintances?? Genuinely curious about this, it can’t just be me…

Seems to be the most common gift card in my experience, I get at least 2-3 every year either in-person or mailed to me :laughing:

Usually I toss em in with my pile of mail, then right around this time I’m opening them/spending em. I got 4 this year, bought my breakfast for free earlier using one of them :yum: :coffee:


It makes people think its a game for kids.

It attracts kids.

Reason why Fort Nite is cartoony too, even though it’s rated T as well.

I guess an intentional marketing tactic to attract everyone including kids despite the ERSB rating.

Yes, people ignore the rating, and pay attention to how it looks. People complain about the content, because they ignore the rating and the content listed along side.

Many people are not educated about ERSB ratings sadly.

Fort Nite sells a ton of merchandise to kids, useing the cartoon look.

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oink. chrisp comes to say ow my heart hurts. anyways i remain a sinner and vaguely despising myself. i’m probably damned and a troll. guess i should post on a troll death knight then.

meow. i know i stink. sorry for being here. chrisp

welcome back! :smiley_cat:



Hello hello.


your affording me dignity is questionable given my recent behavior.

i hope you are having a good night, all of you.

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I hit max level on my first SWTOR toon. My imp oporative is now even higher level than this toon.



that’s nice.

God I feel lonely.
chrisp on his computer thus the different character accidentally