GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Quite a combination there

I know it’s a lot. I am sorry I asked.

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Don’t be sorry hugs
Keeping things in tends to be less healthy

Not that I’m the best in either subject. Trying to write up something new?

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challenges come up in your current journey?

I don’t feel comftoable talking about this in a public fourm. Both because I want to work out something new and fresh with writting and deal with some mental heath stuff. One I don’t want people to steal and the other I just don’t feel like sharing in public and people knowing how bad things are.


understandable - had to offer

I guess I can try talking here, it just might take me a while.

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We can always delete later.
if that would help

Last few days I have felt like have been drowning in mental pain. After trying to help give advie to someone in another thread a bunch of bad memories came back and I just don’t feel like I am worth sticking around. I don’t mean in the lounge but in general. I feel like if I vanished people’s lives would be better.

As for my writting I just think I might have figured out how to start my Sizeran world even if I have to retcon a few things to do it. But I would still be doing the same general idea. the starting idea though would be for my charcter to be about 20 traving with her father and not know anything about size changing that she can do besides some old nightmares when she was a kid. The father is overly protective but she dosn’t know why.

When they come to the first town she goes off on her own against his wishes and spends the night in the town. This is when her size changing comes into play and spending the night in the inn she grows big enough to fill the room. It freaks her out (and if anyone else finds out they would be scared as well.)

But the general idea is not to competly get rid of Sieran’s like I was before but still lead up to why the villian was trying to exteimate them (and why there will be so little of them later on)

  1. That’s a load of bear c**p! You are worth sticking around. If for no other reason than to spite those that would rather not have you around.

  2. Look for professional help. Not to be dismissive of anyone or anything in this or any other thread, but that’s some deep rooted stuff that most, if not all of us, are simply incapable of properly handling.

  3. I want it to be said here and now: DO NOT ENTERAIN ANY THOUGHTS OF SELF-HARM If that is unavoidable, or even if you fear that’s a possiblity, however slim it may be, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline @ 1.800.273.8255. Do not pass go. Do not even consider collecting $200.00! Your physical and mental well-being are paramount here, now, and in the future.


Thanks for sharing

As to the first part. Again, remember y’all are talking to the least bright of the lounge but I’ve always felt that we’re all like a field of candles. When we share ourselves, we share some of our light and make life a little better for others.

I can only speak for me but by sharing your love of writing, your love of Alice, your desire to be come a great author - you’re one of them candles in my life - while we don’t get to interact much, my life is that much brighter because you shared.

You’ve been a similar addition to others, RL though can keep you from realizing that.

As to other threads - I do wish some of those threads would come with a “Surgeon General has declared that entering this thread can be hard on your health”

As to your story thoughts. Do you think the retcon wlll take a bit to do?


…it’s kind of funny. I know you’ve spoken to me before about eloquence and how you sometimes feel that words can fail you.

But that has to be, perhaps, one of the most profound things I’ve ever read.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for that sentiment. :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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I am sorry for talking about this here.

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Don’t be. EVER. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, speaking formyself, I consider people in this thread to be family.

When you need help, we’re here as much as we can be for one another. Because that’s what family is about.


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What sorts of things or activities make you feel connected and not lonely?


Consdiering no one knows about the existing work expect for those on my Patreon I dbout it. That and it does kind of rework the short story I did as a prequel six months ago.


Is that the e-book out on amazon?

I only have two e-books out on Amazon, and they are both related to my Zulfucht world.

Trying to get something ready to go onto Amazon isn’t easy right now as it takes a while and I still have to put short stories out for free to market my work. It is hard to convice people that I am wroth paying for.

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been seeing more new authors advertise on twitter these days, wonder if it works

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I kind of miss new author nights at brick and mortar stores. Would u be too young to remember borders books?