GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Maybe, once they clean up their own house - the creative juices will flow better :smiley:

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wearily wanders in, and collapses in her Huge Papasan Chair in the corner.)
/tired sigh

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Chrisp’s Mefax potates in defiance of all that is hardworking and fit.

i need to brush my teeth… i drank four Coke cans… so lazy… I guess I’ll just do it though.

Is this an end to the EEOC vs DFEH catfight ?

Maybe … maybe not

Maybe we’ll get a revised settlement in the EEOC vs ATVI case


I miss watching Coke a Cola Christmas commercials they were really fun to watch. They don’t play them anymore. :frowning:


I’m so lonely and lazy.
I’m just doomed and hated probably. Yeah.
That’s what I get I guess.

Slaanesh loves the Number 6! Probably because a Grey Knight from the Space Marine Chapter 666 managed to get to him.

Both Space Marine Chapter 6 the Space Wolves and Space Marine Chapter 666 the Grey Knights are immune to Chaos and incorruptible…

The Space Wolves serve the Spirit of Fenris which appears as a massive Wolf. The Grey Knights serve Malcador whose face among others showed itself while the Corpse-thing on the Golden Throne spoke to Guilliman with multiple voices as I have noted. The Grey Knights also as I have noted have a mysterious Terminus Decree that could undo the Imperium apparently.

Fenris and Malcador are two heads of the Beast of the Apocalypse with Malcador being on the Golden Throne ruling as God Emperor after the Primarchs’ father went AWOL. That would mean Rogal Dorn is a traitor who sold out to the Beast of the Apocalypse!

What are the remaining 5 Heads though? Since Abaddon was given the description of the Beast in Pilgrim’s Progress Abaddon the Despoiler could be a Head… Same with the Beast leading the Ork Waaagh!

That leaves 3 Heads… The Terminus Decree could have 1 of them(probably looking as Demonic as possible) and the 2nd of the 3 could be that Warp-spawned Emperor that the Imperium has manifested in the form of Guilliman… The 3rd might be what’s inside the Dyson Sphere avoided by the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Leviathan…

It would be a great twist for Abaddon the Destroyer to be a hybrid of Ork, Corpse, Human, C’tan, Neverborn(Warp Entity) and True Demon!

Just to note Hive Fleet Leviathan appeared right after the Nightbringer’s Shard fled in their general direction and have a White Color. The C’tan Nightbringer is probably controlling Hive Fleet Leviathan and will eventually send a new Tyranid Hive Fleet that’s larger and has him at the front called Hive Fleet Nightbringer!

Obviously Nightbringer would avoid releasing whatever the Necrons are hiding in their Dyson Sphere including the Outsider(if the Outsider isn’t the Nightbringer itself as the similar descriptions of the two might imply) as the Outsider eats C’tan and is insane unlike the Nightbringer(of course the insanity might have nothing to do with eating C’tan and everything to do with being a head of the 7 headed Abaddon the Destroyer who would speak with all 7 different heads with distinct personalities).

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pokes his head out from under his favorite blankie on Surfy’s lap

Happy Pre-Holiday Fursday, everyone! I hope everyone gets lots and lots and lots of tasty :bear::sandwich:!

Yay! Otters have the same whiskers I do!

giggles and ducks back under his favorite blankie


bunnies and otters and gnomeys oh my
bunnies and otters and gnomeys oh my

Hello folks


pokes his head out from under his blankie

YAY! There you are!

climbs up on Surfy’s shoulder, gives her a super duper Christmas Gnomey hug around her neck, and a super-er duper-er Christmas Gnomey smooch on the cheek!

I did something silly! I bought you some Winter Veil presents before realizing I couldn’t actually give you the best one…so I had to realm transfer so I could give it to you!

giggles and gives Surfy another hug around her neck and another smooch on the cheek before hiding back under his favorite blankie on Surfy’s lap

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So ready for some bear chasing this weekend :smiley:

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pokes his head out from under his blankie with a big grin

Bears? Where?! Of course, I’m always ready to chase tasty :bear: with my Surfy! :grin::heart::bear:

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Yeah, that was wild last Sunday how many horde were sneaking around.
no peace to drink :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Good thing you had your pocket Gnomey around!

giggles and runs around the lounge pretending to give Hordes lots and lots of hugs…WITH BULLETS AND KITTIES


i got to try a Oculus Quest 2 Virtual Reality Headset as i Gammer been trying to avoid these things but man the worlds are so cool and i here you can play wow with this too

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chrisp here wasting another day doing nothing good

davey…, davey crockett, king of the wild frontier…

That’s really cool. The last time I messed with a VR headset a few years back, it made me so motion sick. Ugh.

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I had friends who wore their Davey Crockett racoon hats while watching the show. A lot of fun.

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I never knew there was a show… i just learned the song or those lyrics when I was a little kid… and knew there was some historical or fictional character by that name…
that’s interesting



I feel happy when I am doing stuff with my friends but that happens so infrequently that it doesn’t make much difference between being on my own. I do get enjoyment from my work but still I just feel like I am going to spend the rest of my life like this. Some days are just harder to deal with the loneliness than others.