GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I think there just a slow down of the game right now. I barely log in, because I just have been too busy with other things, or not really felt like playing.

When people aren’t playing they don’t really come on the forums to socialize as much. The forums are a bit slow as well.

No reason to leave, everyone likes you here, but I understand if you need to take a break. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Here’s one of my fav otter vids. A sea otter instead of a river otter but still. Dawwwu


Your are liked here, I’m just grumpy the way things are with WoW along with other folks. Maybe if I change forum character I’ll be sunnier.

I always over think which causes anxiety and think what move I have to make next if things go wrong.

This is understandable. Our common interest that initially brought us here is WoW so finding others who have other interests in common with us is a lottery at best. Them having similar interests and also being someone we want to converse with rather than push down a hill is even more rare.

Hopefully, some folks will hit it off with you and the connections can grow from there. Good luck.

I just haven’t been able to sleep for the last two or three days due to the power going in and out and I just feel like crap. I think I have gotten to the point where I have realized that I will be lucky to meet people with my lifestyle and I am ok with that.

I guess I just wasn’t in such a bad place right now sleep wise, someone didn’t try and screw me on a commission and the few places I did socialize that meeting people was easier.


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)

“Cheer up, Friend. People talk with you more than they ever talk with me. I am the one they all ignore, for the most part. It’s why I stopped posting so much any more. I feel like no one wants to hear anything I have to say.”
/sad sigh

Talking with you cheers me up.

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“Talking with anyone cheers me up. Just being NOTICED cheers me up.”


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“I wish that gif had sound. I love that scene.”

Had a rough dungeon tonight.

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“What happened?”

Tank was unwilling to work with us as a team player.

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“What were they doing?”

Just a lot of diffrent things. Like asking me to trap things that are hard for me to trap (casters) and then when I do get aggro the tank took threat off of me and complained that the traps didn’t work.

Or just did mechanics wrong and didn’t want to listen to the rest of the group.

And at the gaultent they didn’t wait for the healer to get mana back and we wiped.

Oh and they loved to use fear. Loved to use fear.


“Sounds like a Class A Jerk.”

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A lack of sleep can really mess with one’s perception of the world around them. Worse, is when that lack of sleep is caused by external things over which we have no control. Even worse still is when that lack of sleep leads to frustration, depression, and so on.

Which only further serves to compound the issue of insomnia.

It literally is a vicious cycle. One way I know to help ease the insomnia to begin on the path to feeling normal is a lot of transcendental meditation. I find I have to attack the issue on reverse: deal with the reeling mimd that will NOT. SHUT. THE. EFF. UP. SO. I. CAN. GET SOME. DAMN. SLEEP!!! and once I’ve started dealing with that, sleep will return and the healing can continue.

As I’ve said, for me, transcendental meditation and deep breathing exercises work like a charm. And to help with the meditation and sleep, white noise is a wonderful thing.

This is one of my favorites that isn’t Chopin’s Nocturnes and Preludes.

I hope that helps to some degree or another. Insomina, depression, etc. is truly a vicious cycle.

climbs up on Merlina’s shoulder, gives her a tasty :bear::sandwich:, a big hug around her neck, and a smooch on the cheek

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Walk trapping is an art. Especially when dealimg with a self important jerk of a tank. I learned a really gnarly trick though back in TBC.

Silence shot, followed by distracting shot (after the tank taunts), and watch those jerks get frozen solid!

Though, I think freeze trapping the tank would be a much better solution! :joy::joy:

Plus wide of wow being less entertaining

Made me remember I own the Masterchief Collection

Beat halo 1 on its original terrible graphics, and it was beautiful

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