GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Chrisp here… still randomly alting… got this blood elf mistweaver monk to 35 from something lower I can’t even remember… lol… I am such a loser playing a million alts and getting nowhere

Garrosh, Sylvanas and Varimathras were the Evil side of the Horde caused by Thrall not being strict enough.

Garrosh was brought into an organization he did not understand and the people who introduced him to the Horde failed to explain why Fel was wrong. He was made to think that Fel enslaved the Horde which did not happen until the second dose of Mannoroth’s Blood.

He was not informed that the Horde was created by the Legion in the first place and that it’s Warmongering is what the Legion made it. The notion of a Horde of Conquerors is a Legion Concept from the start that Thrall should have made Garrosh aware of.

Sylvanas was allowed into the Horde despite having a Demon Nathrezim as her right hand when the Horde should have demanded the rest of the Forsaken get rid of her(for recruiting a Demon from the Legion in the first place) and the Nathrezim as well in exchange for joining and as a result another Blackhand was established as Warchief.

Blackhand was a pawn of Gul’dan just as Sylvanas was a pawn of Varimathras though unlike Gul’dan’s rushing which got himself knocked unconscious trying to get info out of Medivh concerning the Tomb of Sargeras Varimathras’s rushing got himself killed by his Blackhand before he could get her appointed due to him trying to summon Sargeras in Sylvanas’s base of operations.

Once Varimathras was lost depriving the Horde of it’s newest Gul’dan the Jailer had to manipulate her directly while having Mueh’zala fulfill the role of Kil’jaeden on the nearest Ner’zhul: Vol’jin.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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Cyndilou I have bad news, I looked up your server and it’s 95% blue.

just got around to unpacking the first roombox.
only 1 piece of damage which i can find.
a blue and white ceramic clock had the handle on the top break into 3 pieces.
it made me sad, but then i thought about how much worse the entire situation could have been :grimacing:

i need to paint the backs and underneath the boxes, because all sides will be visible due to glass shelving and mirrors.

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“I don’t care. I don’t PvP.”

We were rough in the beginning, but we are making progress. We just need better judgment on management. Too bad Vol jin had to be written out so soon as war chief.

Perhaps, but they did do right by him if you go Ardenweald. 10000%


I just zoomed through the story as fast as I could to get to level 60 and to get to Koritha campaign. The only thing I read was the objectives.

I’m doing threads of fate on this toon, because I wanted to see the difference. I also collected the junk mogs from the quests that are mail.

We still have yet to get nightbane down :frowning:

I don’t get why this matters on retail. As long as there are people to group with and have fun with who cares how many are ally and horde?

It isn’t like a classic pvp server where if one faction is 90% dominated one way they can make it so the other faction can’t play on that server.

I think I am going to be taking a break from these forums. I don’t know. I just don’t feel as welcome as I used to anymore. I am wondering if it’s time I moved on.


You are always welcomed

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Well I can’t remember the last time I actually talked with someone here instead of myself so. I don’t see the point in responding here if what I have to say is no longer to any interest of anyone here. It is a waste of my time and everyone else’s.

When you eat the mushrooms of truth anything is possible…hic!

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In retail in a way it matters for guilds if they are trying to recruit for progression. Let’s say a server is mostly Horde and only 3 Alliance guilds.

The 3 Alliance guilds are trying to attract folks from other servers for recruitment, but unable to due to other secondary options if they feel if the guild is not fit for them.

Cyndilou did mention that her guild’s are dead, so I was curious why and went and check. Faction guilds just happen to clump in one place I assume.

My guild is loosing people because there are only 2 raid progression guilds, and its not simple to kill rares without people being around to randomly want to kill it too. People are also WoW unsubing retail, one of my friends just unsub last week.

I’m not doing all those reps is Blizzard crazy and so many different currencies. So I just skip those parts if they are not necessary.

So the behavior pattern I’m seeing now is people retreating to servers to a majority faction server so they can save their guilds and progression.

“My Main Guild died long before my server went mostly Alliance. It died from Backstage Drama.”

I’m sorry to hear that. :frowning: Drama kills a guild faster than anything else.

To be honest, with the exception of the very beginning of Shadowlands, my guild has been dead since Wrath.

It’s simply a warehouse for my alts now. The biggest issue I take with WoW in terms of gameplay is the seeming lack of a story editor or even story planning.

We’re already out of story for 9.1 and the final chapter and end of raid were clearly out of sequence.

Even I, as someone who has played every single day, all day during lockdown, find the dsily routine has become rote.

I’m sure it has to do, to a large degree, with the internal dumpster fire that was and is Blizzard corporate, but even so this should’ve been mapped out much better than it was.

Even GW2, during the lockdown, spaced out their chapters of the Icebrood saga much better and insterspersed the downtime with achievements and grinds that felt rewarding.

Honestly, if it weren’t for talking with a few people through Bnet, I’d be gone as well. I know it’s hip to use the phrase, “No king rules forever”, but I think another phrase from an equally beloved and much better crafted franchise is far more suitable.

“There are other worlds than these” from Stephen King’s Dark Tower series feels more apt.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s just having been chained to my desk for the last year and a half, maybe it’s the scummy unforgiveable behavior that has happened within Blizzard, maybe it’s just me feeling the effects of the natural decline of a game after 15 or so years, maybe it’s all three of those things and much much more. But I honestly do not feel as though the ingame environment is nearly as engaging as it once was and is considered to be worth relatively chesp fifteen bucks a month compared to other hobbies.

I just don’t know, any more.

Maybe I’m just getting older.

I wouldn’t say you’re not welcome, depending on which threads you’re visiting, but I can assure you that you’re always welcome here even if it does sometimes feel you’re talking to yourself.

Also, Nightbane is a jerk. If only you had awesome Gnome hunters in TBC! :smiley:


pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket

Happy Fursday, everyone!

climbs into Surfy’s lap with a tasty :bear::sandwich: and his favorite blankie to watch funny otter videos

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