GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)
“Oh man, that was a GOOD Movie.”
/happy grin


If I see you in Korthia I might cast Mind Soothe on you. Better be careful. Murrr :wolf:


stayed up all night playing this guy… got him to 29 from 13… whee. pvp at low levels remains interesting. i still feel evil playing Horde especially on the Forsaken quests I was doing though. I don’t like feeling like the bad guys. Oh well. Sorry Cyndi for my bigotry.



“Evil keeps me young.”
/wicked laugh

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LOL indeed… /smile

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“Play a Forsaken, and you TOO can feel forever young.”

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I’m so spoiled… get to play all night on lowbie nobodies and then lie down when the sun rises. I guess I’m living all wrong, oh well.

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“Being a Night Owl is not a sin.”


Have a good day…

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“I am headed to sleep soon. I am a Night Owl too.”

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got flying…, :zzz:

Our bunny, Holly, passed away this morning

She was quite old for her species, and it just happened out of the blue

This has been a very tough year


Sorry man :frowning:

Been a tough couple of years


I can finally fly! Wheeee!

I’m sorry for your loss, :frowning:

We’re not bad just mis understood, it’s the Alliance who lack tolerance of us mis fits of the world.

Orc apologizes to the lounge for being so grumpy.

I might have to change guilds, because I’m having a hard time connecting with people, they are 97% all new to me and I’ll need to go to a bigger Horde server to choose another guild if I don’t see any changes.


I had a custom cage/house done up for then so they got a place to hide from the cat

Dismantling it hit me like a ton of bricks, man that was not fun to do

Lost 2 dogs, 2 bunnies, 2 aunt’s, an uncle, 4 cousins, and a close family friend who lived nearby

This year is horrible


Someone took out my power :frowning: Someone being a storm.

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climbs out of Surfy’s pocket, climbs up on Malgorok’s shoulder, and gives him a big hug around the neck

I’m sorry your bunny passed on.

gives Mal a tasty :bear::sandwich: before climbing back into Surfy’s lap

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I was doing a commission for someone and I think they are trying to skip out without paying me. It has been a few days since I have heard from them and I have the product finished.

I hope that isn’t the case.


I tried to play forsaken but I hit a dead end