GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

So I wouldn’t suggest thread of fate if you don’t have flying. You don’t have to choose it as soon as you exit the maw, you can choose to exit the story line any time.

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Cleared 3 bosses on Normal now




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hello everyone

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Congrats on the 3 bosses .

I’m hoping when my raiding guild does it tuesday we can get through all of them this time .

Hoping the vulpera hunter gets the quiver and maybe the bow . Need a the quiver for transmog .

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My guild tried Grull today. It didn’t go as well as it could have gone.

“At least you guys have Guilds to Raid with.”

I just pug’d it. My guild doesn’t do pve

“My Guilds are dead. ALL of them.”

Wait what? What happened?

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“Drama. Plain and simple.”

Oh I’ve had guilds I could raid in before but this is the first time I’ve been able to guild raid since WoD .

Work made it hard especially the last job .

Current job I work 4 day shifts and 1 double and we are raiding on one of my days off.

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“These aren’t Guilds I have joined. These are Guilds I made.”

Ouch .

THe guild this toon is in is pretty much dead . THe lead GM is playing mainly TBCC or other games others have quit because of all the stupid hoops Blizz has us jumping through .

Some are in the guild my current raiding toon is in .

I think I keep playing because my reflexes aren’t what they used to be and WoW is a fairly easy game to play . Just wished Blizz could remember what fun was.


“I have made 7 Guilds. They are all dead.”

Rain frogs are just too dang cute

Or those frogs that sound like they’re meowing


cabinets are anchored to the wall… i can start loading them now!

did a test run tonight with the UV light and some uranium glass pieces.
i got acrylic plate stands for the 3 plates, but they’re too cheap and nasty, and there’s no way i’m going to risk using them.
(i don’t feel like using my new vacuum to suck up a pile of shattered uranium) :grimacing:

…so i laid the plates down, and OMG I’M THRILLED WITH THIS LIGHT!
the largest plate on the top shelf is glowing so brightly, that the camera spazzed out on it and just shows a green blur :grinning:
The vase in the middle of the second shelf isn’t getting much light to it though, so the plates will definitely need to stand up… but they’re just going to have to stay like this until lockdown ends, or i think of a better solution.

Now it’s time to change the batteries in all of my roomboxes, re-assemble them, and decide which shelves they’ll go on.
I still need space for my Bunnykins, my alabaster collection, my assortment of enamels, a Noritake tea set, and… omg I’ve got too much junk and it’s not all going to fit. :joy:


Sorry to hear that :frowning:

Yeah, my server is dieing too, the player drought is killing servers like ours. Two Horde guilds moved out to bigger servers and it looks like a third on it’s way out. I never seen my server this quiet before .

As much as I like my friend his server is becoming the same and I’m glad I didn’t transfer. Hopefully 9.2 is the last patch, the faster the expansion ends the better.

I’m willing to transfer with my guild when the time comes. There should be another sale between November and December.

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sorry to hear WoW is suffering a drought of content and players… it’s my fault I guess partially. Sorry. Maybe majorly my fault, but then again, why is it my fault? I dunno. Oh well. Like why did they let me dictate BFA and Shadowlands to them and listen to me? It’s not entirely my fault unless I’m mind dominating them like the Lich King or something which I’m pretty sure I’m not.