GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Maybe I reality-hacked them… that would suck. Or maybe I am the lich king… or just a crazy in a crazy coincidental world.

Logged in to see like 95% of my stygia missing

Good game

“How did that happen?”

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That is what I’d like to know

I logged off in the raid, logged in roughly 24 hours later to find myself at the graveyard outside the raid with a corpse nearby with 100 stygia on it

Considering how little you lose per death with the 75% reduction perk you can buy, it means I must have somehow died dozens of times while offline

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“That IS weird. Can other players loot your stygia off your corpse?”

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No, but everytime you die your previous body despawns which results in any stygia on it being lost

Considering how many bugs there are around the maw and stygia (even while making a ticket they ask you to report bugs since there are so many) hopefully they’ll be able to give me mine back considering I’ll unlock several things to buy with stygia tomorrow

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“Good luck.”

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Thanks lol

Gunna be weeks of grinding lost, and with everything else might just be the straw to break the wows back for me if it’s just gone for good

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“How much did you have?”


Considering rares/chests drop like 30-70 at a time, you can tell that’s a lot of farming

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“Damn… That is a LOT. I only have a bit over 3000 in my Currency Tab, and 1500 in my bags. Those are Condensed Stygia.”

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Yea lol,

So you can see why I’d be mad logging in and seeing it all gone

All my gold and everything else is fine, just all my stygia gone

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“I have been collecting Condensed Stygia from my Mission Board. You can’t lose that, because it’s not in the Currency Tab.”

Yea I usually just popped that stuff right away

Anyway, enough of me ranting about that since I just gotta wait for a ticket response anyway

You doing anything good wow related?

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“We only do big stuff when Hubby has a day off.”

Fair enough

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“But we are skipping his next night off, he wants to go see a Movie.”

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Oh right on,

What one you planning on seeing?

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“The new Suicide Squad. We both love Harley Quinn.”

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Ah yea, forgot about that

I was originally hesitant considering the first one, but this one does look significantly better

The animated ones are also very good if you’ve not watched them yet

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