GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“I need to ask a question, that my eye doctor asked me. Please do not be offended. Have you ever taken any Hallucinogenics? She said that it could be a result of the eyes being subjected to so many tracers.”

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Over here in Colorado I can’t see the sun right now with all the gray haze/pollution, and it’s August 2 - the dead of summer :man_shrugging:

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I took mushrooms once when I was 21. I’m 29 now

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“It can come from using CHEMICALS, not the Natural ones.”

“At this point I feel the need to expand, just a bit. My home life was pure hell, so I did what ever I could to block it out of my mind. I dove deep, into that dark world. I was willing to try ANYTHING, that did not require a needle. I have always been terrified of them. Now they are but memories, except for the aftermath of my body trying to be normal again.”


“I wish I had been stronger. I am paying for my mistakes now. I am 63 now.”
/sad shy smile

“Edit: I have been clean of Chemical Drugs for over 30 years. Only thing I touch now is Green, and the occasional Alcoholic Drink.”

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I wonder when Text to Speech will replace Voice Actors…

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I suspect it already has where there is not a need for dramatic variation in modulation.

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So, after a bit of an, um, hiatus… s’up GD?


“Welcome Back.”

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Not going to get political but did people actually believe them when they said they cared

When can we start using it to Dub Anime?..

I’m just surprised they would take a 6 week “vacation” in the middle of multiple unfolding crises…

It’s like, millions of people are possibly about to be homeless, that’s a PRETTY big deal and way more important than a vacation :eyes:

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I wonder how long it will take GW to back down. I (speaking as a fan) cannot imagine that their exponetial profits of last year weren’t due mostly to:

  1. The lockdowns and people being increasingly bored and isolated
  2. the absolute explosion of fan animation

Without those two, one must ask how quickly will GW lose those profits?

Jervis got out, imo, at the exact right time. Though it was HUGELY weird seeing a picture of Andy Chambers in the most recent White Dwarf with short, gray/blonde hair as he was leaning over a table playing with Jervis.

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Hey, you take care now hugs

Yeah the green stuff or a drink on occasion is okay. I like CBD


Because, at the end of the day, Congress is nothing but self-important, money grubbing, power hungry scumbags who think they’re above such petty things like, oh I don’t know, SERVING THEIR CONSTITUENCES?

Eff Congress, Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Moderate, Liberal, and Progressive.

Right where the sun don’t shine with the pointy end of a rusty pitchfork.


“You too.”

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I’m not surprised . Do you honestly think the likes of Pelosi ,Schumer or AOC really care about the people . To them we are just votes to keep people like them in power.

They will most likely blame what they probably consider to be the greedy home owners for wanting to be paid rent due going forward as the villain .

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To be fair, AOC just recently came out and admitted this looming crisis was 100% of the Democrat’s doing and you cannot blame the Republicans for it.

So while I disklike her with a passion,

A) Kudos to her for telling a partial truth for once
B) I’ll still blame the likes of Mitch McConnell and his ilk for not pressing this issue more.

To be honest both sides are to blame .

No if AOC did say the looming crisis is 100% democrats doing then that is maybe the 1 smart thing to my knowledge that has come out of her mouth .


But it’s not. Republicans went right along with the Jan 6 comissions, inquiries, and beating the war drums for continuing in Iraq while ignoring increasing inflation and the looming housing crisis.

So yes, Dems are 99% to blame because they hold the majority. But Republicans also hold some blame for ignoring this as well.

I just saw a horde guild called “No fun allowed.”

Umm I thought blizzard was the fun police.