GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

First wing isn’t bad, just be sure to take the fear immunity power cuz people have 0 awareness

2nd wing should be avoided


What are these used for? My two mains have about a dozen each from world questing and they are taking up a slot in my bank.


They’re used to make the upgrader to make rank 5/6 legendaries


Something interesting here . Taliesins explanation between the 2 cosmology charts.

I have time stamped to start at the explanation .


i feel so bad of character lately


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Hey there Chrisp


Kind of binging on My Little Pony for a cheer myself right too

Nice looking Dwarf ya have there

Dang, not sure how many would have put that much thought into it like he did.

Nice :slight_smile:

If you look at it from the 3-D perspective it makes sense . All of this "it’s a retconn " is from viewing it from the 2-D representations from Chronicles and the Grimoire .

Normally I don’t share videos from streamers but I thought it was cool and kind of put things into perspective.

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My hunter just finished leveling a week ago.

I’m still opening up stuff and getting gear. First toon 60, unless their is a short cut I’m unaware of.

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Chronicle’s Chart is the Cosmology itself while Grimoire’s Chart is the Broker looking at the same chart from his angle looking at the thing.

The funny thing is how the Fire, Earth, Spirit and Decay Elements match the spaces they normally belong on the chart with the Air and Water Elements finally being connected to one of the Cosmic Forces like how Decay is already connected to Death, Spirit is already connected to Life, Earth is already connected to Order and Fire is already connected to Chaos.

(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)


Cyndi I’m seeing things outside. They’re all over the sky and glowing and moving all over the place? Am I hallucinating? They look like souls

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“Are they small, many, and moving around each other?”

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Yes and some are different colors

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“That is an Optical Matrix Illusion. I get them all the time. Like the Air around you is filled with translucent, glowing, Glitter.”

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Why does this happen? They light up really bright and move fast an some are black or white. It happens all the time

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So meanwhile in the real world; the eviction moratorium just expired, unemployment ending early September for millions, student loan deferrals ending October 1

and, Congress just went on a 6 week vacation in the middle of all this:eyes:

The next 2 months could be “interesting” with millions and millions of angry (and possibly homeless?) people :popcorn:


“It’s not one I can explain, you should tell your Doctor to have your eyes checked. I get Ocular Migraines, and that may be connected.”


I saw so many of them today. Way more than usual


“Is it hazy where you live, right now? Any smoke in the air?”

It’s partially cloudy an the sun is starting to set. But I even see these indoors or on days with clear blue skies

Also yeah I might end up homeless again we’ll see in the coming months. I try not to worry so much any more

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