GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“They sound boring.”

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Hey guise do you think there would be any interest in a thread on updates on how the lawsuit is going ?

I mean in terms of official court documents. They’re online at and cost $1 USD per page.


/running pounce
/happy grin


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“How are things going, dear? All good in your neighborhood?”

I am procastinating on night 1 of my 3 day Rostered Day Off.

Making a shopping list on the local supermarkets iPhone APP.

It’s really cool - you add stuff you want to get to a list and it tells you where in store to find said item. It helps me avoid staying too long at the supermarket as that’s how you waste money buying all sorts of junk you don’t need.

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“I got my Flying, got to Renowned 50, and am working on my First Legendary. We even found time to do a couple of wings in the first Raid, and are going to try for the last two this week.”


i forgot to upload my rainbow glass pic.

it wasn’t taken at the optimal time of day… it gets very pretty when the sun hits it at the right angle

i’m still searching for a cobalt blue, and a less browny yellow.


“Cobalt Blue Vases are very common. Yellow Glass is rarer. The closest I have ever seen is the Amber Glass stuff, like you already have. You might have to stain your own glass to get Yellow.”

i used to have a huge collection of blue glass.
i ended up selling it :roll_eyes:
it shouldn’t be too hard to find something the right shade, the biggest issue will be finding something skinny enough to fit on the sill.
even the goblet is a little bit too wide to sit here, but i love how intense the color is.
i have a plan of making the sill a bit wider at some point in the future, but it’s a back-burner job for now.


“You might be able to find a Yellow Candle Cup, like the Purple one you have on the end.”

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These oddly remind me of those things you could fill with many different dyed colors of sand


“I love Sand Art.”

Or that sand you could put in water and it changes the sand so you can sculpt with it underwater

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“That I have never heard of. Sounds like fun.”

Yeah lemme see



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Ngl I’m kinda nostalgic now for this style of commercial lol.

Ah the 90s.




i’ve got one somewhere which i made using salt and chalk.

i found a nice shaped clear jar, got some colored chalk, pour some salt into a cup, and rub the stick of chalk in the salt until lots of pigment rubs into the salt, then pour the mixture into the jar in layers.
(i don’t remember seeing it when i was packing, but i’m sure it’s around somewhere!) :grin:

most of the yellow i’ve been finding, has a sort of opaque/milk glass mixed in with it.
i will find what i’m looking for, eventually. there’s no rush.
the wait will make it sweeter when i find it :upside_down_face: