GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“They came in through the Door. What is so confusing about that?”

You got Muffinus saying they are going to clean up toxicity in the game and I’m thinking they all better clean their house first .

To me that is just flat out pot calling out kettle.


pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket

Because bears don’t use doors. They use tricky bear magic! Also, why would anyone let bears through the door?


“They just open the Door and come in.”


TMI . I’m sorry I looked it up


Amen. They can “clean up toxicity” all day long, but until they clean the toxicity from their own damn offices, nothing will change.

Between the catch up gear in Korthia, early flying, and legendaries available in the first patch of the game, and the shutdown of development, I’m becoming more and more concerned Shadowlands is WoD 2 and Blizz knew this from day 1.

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Someone should put safeguards on those doors so the bears will use their tricky bear magic to come through the walls! That way, I can catch some.

Anyway, it’s time for me to say goodnight! Sleep well and I hope everyone has a great day/night where ever you are!


If they can clean house and get people in that care about their co-workers and the players , I guarantee the toxicity will go down .

Will it ever be eliminated of course not . That’s not realistic


WoD you could actually play your alts and catch up easier.

walks towards refrigerator, opens freezer grabs one gallon of nepolen ice cream

Opens chocolate sauce and pours it in the ove cream and grabs a serving spoon, starts eating

Why don’t we have sprinkles?



“All the Sprinkles, and other toppings that do not need to be refrigerated, are in the Pantry.”

Let me check.

Opens cabinet next to the refrigerator

Oh, yay sprinkles, and they are rainbow too!

Dumps sprinkles into ice cream and mix it up with the chocolate sauce



i have a lamp table and a coffee table on the way… they both have drawers, i can fill them with :bear: :sandwich:

hehe …he’s my biggest Forever Friends teddy… i had to move him out of the second bedroom to be able to navigate the space.
I think the couch belongs to him now, he seems very happy chilling there :relaxed:
(he’s very distracting though… i have to keep giving him cuddles on the way past!)


“I have a stuffed panda that big.”


why have a lounge thread when the lounge regulars don’t even participate? wait, are they even still alive? give it up.

“I am still here, and will never give up. Why are you so upset? Chill, friend, life ain’t that bad.”

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i’m not upset. i just don’t like the people in here.

“They are a good group. Just different.”

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so i see. helluva more accepting than i will ever be. lasagna?

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“Don’t got any. Want a cookie?”

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