GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

This is a bit more business and prof then my last editor and I don’t’ know what they think of me yet.

I do know my last editor who I am still friends with is happy with my progress.

But the new editor I don’t think will be able to judge my progress until I work with them in three days. Until then all we have done is talk about setting up our contract.

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I will say this. Getting some books out will help me to get some money. Writing short stories and the Patreon is nice and all but a novel is a completely different story.

I don’t know how much it will be yet but I know (or at least hope) that these books will sell as I have ideas/plans for 15-25 novels. The book train isn’t going to stop anytime soon. I guess I am just trying to get to the point now where I can transition to live off my work on my own instead off my parents supporting me.


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)

Just tried to help a tank with finding some upgrades. They lost a roll on gear to me and they didn’t understand why it was an upgrade for me so I stayed with them, did some research to make sure who it was was a better upgrade for and tried to point them in the direction for some gear options.



i feel kind of ill but overall ok


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Ugh, more trolling posts popping up Blizz needs to make a childish rated E MMO so the thin skinned can leave WoW alone.


looks like the lounge has been busy over the last few days!

everything finally caught up with me, and i puffed up like a marshmallow :confounded:
my skin got horribly tight and it hurt to stand.
last night i was terrified that i had a clogged artery or something, but was too tired to even care… and just went to sleep.
i’ve been better today after a good rest, but am checking in with a doctor tomorrow just to make sure nothing severe is going on.
i knew i was overdoing things when i had 3 x 16+ hour days on my feet, but it had to be done. :pensive:
all the hard work is done now anyway… i can just relax a bit, and chip away at the couple of rooms which need finishing.

…and my cabinets arrived!
aren’t they stunning?!?!!!


Meep poke poke hai

Isn’t the point of the creative arts to provoke conversation? To give light to subjects in a way that you wouldn’t normally think about? To express yourself.

If we just took such things away every time someone got upset then there wouldn’t be much entertainment nor would it actually solve the issue’s they cry out against. You need to teach people why such subjects are bad, not burry them and aspect the issues to just vanish.

If I don’t have a lesson to learn from how will I learn from it and avoid making that same mistake in the future?


pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket

Those are nice cabinets but where are you going to keep all the tasty :bear::sandwich:?

goes back to watching adorable otter videos with a confused look on his face

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No, Blizzard doesn’t. There’s already FF14 for that.

But my concern is the “removal of objectionable end game content”. What end game content is questionable or objectionable? Killing raid bosses? So what? We’re supposed to have picnics with them and talk out our differences? No more platekinis? No more bare chested Gnome monks running around in their Toshley Station hats, Warbear Woolies, and sandals?

This is my issue that I’m struggling with regarding Blizzard. Sure, they can change names, remove all the skimpy armor, have us make friends with raid bosses instead of killing them, etc.

But at the end of the day, thay’s all just freakin’ window dressing and does NOTHING to address the real and horrific working conditions within Blizzard. Sure, they put out a 100% lawyer approved, corporate statement about changes, but nothing with any real teeth.

Makes me wonder if there are MAUs for using the bnet app and forums just for talking with people on my friends list and not having to actually play the game.


Actually, My Blue Nelfy has had picnics in epic bg’s with a gnome :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Yes, the bear sandwiches were quite nice :heart:

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No comment on the bear in the picture eh :slight_smile:

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I would like a bear sandwich if they are being given out today.


Tasty :bear::sandwich: are always available for friends!

Which bear picture? I think there are so many, my tummy keeps rumbling!


Two more heroics and I will have my tempest keep attument done. I will be able to head in and say hello to Keal who is probably shivering in his boots that people are about to storm his keep for his mount.


so true, they seem to come out of the woodwork sometimes :smiley:

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climbs out of Surfy’s lap, goes over to peer intently at a wooden wall

I hope they show up soon!

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Yes, he does seem a little pale :slight_smile: