GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I’m telling and not only that the 5G coverage is amazing.

I’m not crazy . Just ask the voices :crazy_face:


I guess it depends on what you mean by “sacrifice”. I think most people are misunderstanding. Elune did not cause Teldrasil to be burned. Elune did not “sacrifice” Night Elves, at least in the traditional sense.

My personal takeaway was that when Teldrasil burned, Elune was aware of something happening in Ardenweald that was adversely affecting it. Thus, she tried to use the tragedy to good ends yet due to the interference behind the scenes of the Jailer and Sylvanas, the souls she tried to direct to Ardenweald were, instead, stolen away to the Maw.

That’s why we have to go rescue them and bring them back to Ardenweald. That’s why we rescue lost Druid souls during the Ardenweald assault.

Elune knew Ardenweald was in some kind of terrible situation and tried to make the best of a tragic situation but wasn’t fully aware of the behind-the-scenes machinations due to her being somewhat aloof nd distsanced from her sister and Ardenweald.


I dunno. After the WoD debacle where so much content was discarded due to “time”, I think people became much less forgiving. Sure, one can reasonably excuse “not enough time”, but if Blizzard shortens SL because of the inner workings of Blizzard, people will not forgive.

There’s worlds…universes, in fact, of difference between “we didn’t have enough time to do x, y or, z” and “we literally got caught with our pants down around the cute, new intern which created horrific working conditions for all but those in ‘the club’ so now we’re getting sued by the state.”

Universes of differences.


Hey everyone!! Good to see you all today!!

Jumping on the Alice Train here to say 'Hello!!'


climbs out of Surfy’s pocket, sets up a big table full of tasty :bear::sandwich: and cool, refreshing, delicious juiceboxes…WITH BENDY STRAWS!!!, and climbs into Surfy’s lap with his favorite blankie, growls like a vicious yet absolutely adorable otter at her shoulder, gives Surfy a big smooch on her cheek, a big hug around her neck, and settles down to watch adorable otter videos

Happy Friday, everyone! We’re almost there!


So many and too many quests. Should I just follow the shield quest and than back track to the non shield quests? I want to get to the fun part already.


That’s my best advice!


Otter mount please.


In otherwords she didn’t turn the Souls into Wisps nor did she claim them for herself because she heard from her sister that Ardenweald was going through an Anima Drought and thus thought that that not enough Nature-aligned beings were getting to Ardenweald and thus needed more Souls tied to Nature.

She knew nothing about the Souls being rerouted. She is a Life Goddess not a Death Goddess like her Sister the Blue Moon

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

Why what a wonderful thing to do. :slight_smile:


Hey Surfy!

Just wanted to give you a shout-out for being amazing. Seriously so. While the rest of GD is melting down, again, in here we’re staying somewhere between post sanity and pre-apocalypse. Much of that has to do with you and how well and even evenhandedly you guide this thread.

You humor the least of us and humble the loudest. You stay positive in the face of some occasionally opinionated and obdurate guest or regular and keep an even keel even when things are tough in your real life.

Anyway, the goal isn’t to embarrass you (too much) but to let you know what you do day in and day out is noticed and deeply appreciated. Thank you.


Going to work with the new prof editor in three days. I am really nervous.


How is everyone doing today?


Doing well all in all, but then I worked hard for a long, long time to have a wonderfully boring retirement. LOL.

Do you feel the new editor is more aligned with what you want to express through your work? Always nice to have both a muse and pair of heavy boots to keep one moving up to new levels.

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Yes. They are not ghost writing anymore and it is much much cheaper for the entire process.

The previous editor turned out to be the equivalent of my collage education and this is more my actual editor for my books.

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This sounds like a very positive step. Do you feel as if they appreciate what you are doing as an author? I so hope you are able to continue making progress as a professional writer.

Who? My old editor?

Your new editor. Sorry, I wasn’t very clear.