GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Hello there

Don’t think I’ve seen that one looks nice :smiley:

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i am sad and do nothing so far today of any importance

i have no money and feel too sinful to work and would suck at work anyway

Thinking of doing a peanut butter and jelly pizza as kind of a pick me up later today :smiley:

If WoW’s plug gets pulled hypothetically, do you have an idea which game to go to?

I’d go back to GW2 but truth of the matter is, I’d just focus a lot more on my Games Workshop stuff.


“If WoW dies, I will just go back to being a recluse. I don’t play any other games.”

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I have about 100 games on steam I keep meaning to play

So, I got quite the backlog I’d work through

My thoughts on the Elune cinematic before my subscription ends on the first.

First my opinion is probably one of the unpopular one, because I thought it was great.

When Elune says “I heard your cries, felt your pain, and in the wake of a tragedy. Sent forth a cascade of souls to sustain you.” This tells me that Elune couldn’t of stopped the burning of Tedrassil. What Elune did or at least thought she was doing was making the best of a horrific situation. She was sending the souls to Ardenweald which to her was probably one of the best places for them to go. At the same time she was also answering her sister cries for help.

“Oh! the great tree! All that perished there were claimed by the maw”
“Then I have condemned my favored children” This is when Elune and Tyrande weep.

Many think because she says I condemned my Favored children that she somehow was responsible for Teldrassil that she could of prevented it. No she couldn’t of, she couldn’t stop it she wasn’t responsible for it happening. The only thing she was guilty of was trying to bring about something possitive from a terrible tragedy. There is a saying that goes, The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Elune’s intentions were good, she did not know that when she sent them to the shadowland that the Maw was going to claim them. I’m unsure on this but I don’t think that the shadowlands even knew the maw was claiming all the souls until after the player was like “Yo like everyone dying is going straight to the maw.”

“Tyrande invoked me, she must choose, vengeance or renewal.”

She choose renewel, I personally think that made her so much stronger then Sylvanas will ever be. Instead of losing herself to grief, revenge, hate and madness. Instead of losing hope and taking with her the hope of her people. She instead restores it to them. Tyrande pulled herself out of a downward spiral that Sylvanas let herself be claimed by. That in itself took a tremendous amount of strength. Sylvanas wanted to kill hope, because to her hope is the most painful and treacherous thing in existence. So her goal was to kill hope, Tyrande didn’t let her do that. I feel as if she had chosen revenge, Tyrande would of died to the Night Warriors powers and the hope of her people would of died with her, and Sylvanas would of won.

Of course this is merely my personal opinion of the cinematic.


“I hope Sylvanas DOES WIN. I am tired of HIDING my love for Sylvanas. The World did her wrong, and now they want to blame HER for the evil that was controlling her with out her permission. She deserves to WIN. She deserves to be back in Undercity, and in charge of the Forsaken, WHERE SHE BELONGS!!! They kill her, or take her away, they destroy everything that we have been from the beginning. They destroy US.”

“I hope she becomes the hero, and I will drink the tears of ALL who stood against her.”

“People are screaming for representation, right? Well, Sylvanas, to me, represents The Broken. We need a Hero too. She is a Broken, that found a purpose in Life. One who found a reason for living despite all the hell she has had to endure. If they make her evil, they are telling ME, that the Broken do not deserve a chance to heal. That we do not deserve a place in life.”

“That is what she means to me, not that anyone cares.”

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they’re not winning by killing her or by proving that she is some kind of monster. They win by not letting her kill the hope that they have. They’re many ways in which one can lose, Sylvanas losing this one isn’t a bad thing. Who knows it might actually help to restore her own faith in hope.

Everyone deserves a chance to heal, but even the broken can be monsters. As one of them I am well aware that being broken isn’t a get out of jail free card. When someone does something horrific broken or not. People are going to want some kind of justice. I personally don’t think they are going to make her evil. I think making her soul whole is going to cause some changes to her character.


Same here, WoW was my first and only MMO I know. FF14, New World or SWATOR which ever friends decide to I will follow.

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“I will just quit. I have invested too much time in this one. I don’t want to start over somewhere else. It took me long enough to get to know this one.”


The only MMO I’d consider is the one Riot is making cuz I like LoLs lore

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I guess they can try to save WoW by selling it to Disney. That is the only direction I see at the moment.

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I have single player games to fall back on if WoW fades away. Maybe finally beat Super Mario 64 lol.

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“I will quit if they take over this game. Disney killed TV, and they will kill, or monopolize WoW, and make it PG like they do EVERYTHING else. Disney is EVIL.”

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Well, you are right about this lol

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Please no. Disney isn’t the best at making games in general. There are quite a few Star Wars games that could have been good that are now lost because Disney bought them out and canceled them before giving the gaming rights to EA.

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“People think Activision is a Money Grubbing Corporation, just wait until they get a load of what Disney is about. They want to own it all, and make as much money as they can, before they run it into the ground. They don’t want anyone else having it after they have drained it dry.”

“When Walt Disney died that whole company started it’s down hill spiral. He is rolling over in his grave just thinking of the mess they have made of his dream.”


Them getting copyright laws change to protect all their IPs so desperately was bad enough for me