GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

excellent Mal

When you get a chance, access level 27 of the nano-library, some of the PPV’s you now get to see are awesome :smiley:


all I got was the feeling that my muscles are deteriorating from the vaccine… :frowning: maybe I got the ‘people they want to put down’ variant of it


So u got both shots too Chrisp

excellent - Seems I have a co-worker who’s in an Arizona hospital this morning wishing he had gotten both



well, i guess i’m lucky then…

Ok I played the new cinematic back a couple of times

I feels better now :smiley:

It’s nasty stuff - so the vax would definitely not be a weak thing.

My experience was going to bed early the next couple of nights after my 2nd shot.

You’re part of our extended little family here -so I’m kinda happy u did get the 2nd shot :hugs: :hugs:

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I got it months ago… just sometimes i got the feeling of one of my muscles weakening and the word “vax” in my neck or head at the same time… I’m insane just ignore me lol super natural bull is all I experience

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No worries man :slight_smile:

Sanity is all relative

We’re all a lil crazy here anyway :smiley:


Do much pvp lately?

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I did a little on a low level character a few days ago… I never do max level pvp because I am undergeared and would just be a burden to my teammates.

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Oh right, funniest bit of the whole thing

The person giving the needle was this little ol’ lady, like barely 5 feet tall, curly white hair

Trys making a bit of conversation 'So are you watching the Olympics?

I said nah, cuz I usually don’t care about the summer

She’s like “Oh I’m the same, never really gave a s–t about the summer games, oh my sorry about that, at least I didn’t drop the f bomb”

Starts talking about how her kids keep getting after her for saying it so much


My shoulder is on a good track so I’m hoping to get back to pvp this weekend


omgosh thats my type of grandma :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Like, didn’t even bat an eye at her initial swearing, was just kinda agreeing cuz summer games aren’t as interesting

But her instant apology and going on about how she says it so much and everything else

Easily the best needle I’ve ever had


I love alot of sports - the coverage is what’s killing it for me

Loved it :smiley:

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Exactly. I enjoy summer and winter sports, and I tend to favor the Summer Olympics, but the coverage is literally and figuratively all over the place.


You know? I can’t fathom what it’s like to not have auditory halucinations at this point any more. It’s been so many years I don’t know what it’s like any more to not have them

Sorry if random

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Hello everyone.


i’m depressed
hi Merlina

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hi surfgirl

chrisp/eddend’s dwarf monk