GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Forums sure are fun lately


So true, but I’d feel even worse if the lawsuit was met with indifference from the community. It is proving to be quite the microcosm for the country at large.

That said, you’re doing well at keeping your head out there.


You gentlemen do seem to be enjoying yourself in the threads tonight :smiley:

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I’m over this trash. Just spent nearly 3hrs on the phone with a Carribean lady who would not let ke set her up on a paymemt agreement so I could get her power turned back on.

I’m depressed, angry, frustrated and lord only knows what else. Honestly, I think I may f…ing cry


Great, now I’m sick to my stupid stomach and am shaking. Screw this.

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hugs Elmerbludd gently

Hang in there friend.

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The way the forums have been this week , they are worthy of a Taliesin meme but I would get a vacation if I posted one .

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Here you go Elmer


If it makes you feel better, just let it out, no shame in it

Plus you can make fun of the fact I’m lactose intolerant and have 0 tolerance for spicy food and I ate a bunch of spicy things today and drank chocolate milk to wash it down

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I hang out here and custermer support. I’m not going to look at GD anymore until fires are put out.

I helped one person :slightly_smiling_face: , but it seems people are answering faster than me on the rest or already answered their post.

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You want to know the worst part? I’ll most likely be blamed for not helping that lady. Screw it. I’m looking for another job. The place I work at can go to hell.


I feel you, my work place is crap too. I would rather do factory work than continue retail where you get treated like less than dirt by the company and customers.

We eat on dirty tv trays in the break room, they won’t give us our tables back, there are only 9 trays, count on eating lunch in your car if the space is taken.

You sat with her for 3hrs and you did try. She needs to speak with someone like a supervisor to explain the payment agreement. Something tells me this was beyond the help you could provide.

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make the horse drink it.

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I don’t care anymore. I just updated my resume. They could fire me tomorrow and I’d laugh at them because I’m only one of two agents who close (despite promises of shift bids), no raises in nearly two years, etc.


But they just started a Recognition Program! Oh boy!


Screw this place. I’m out as soon as possible.


/gives elmer a hug


Welp, I just applied for my first job in two years. Sure, it’s with a local pest control company but they are:

A: family owned
B: offer much better benefits
C: Are offering between what I already make to $3.50 more per hour.

Let’s hope it pops!

Meanwhile, the search will continue after sleep.


I am going to barricade myself in my house for the night.

Severe weather coming my way and I don’t want to be blown away. How many Eat Me cookies to I need to avoid that?

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If you are being treated like ctap, I agree they don’t deserve a two weeks notice.

Shaman luck :sweat_drops:

riptide :ocean:

For your new job.

Shaman luck :sweat_drops:

riptide :ocean:

For you too mod person.


I’m afraid of severe thunderstorms too, find thing I do is look at the radar to make it’s not dark red, purple, black or white.

Light green= Light rain or rain

Dark green= Light to moderate rain

Yellow= Moderate rain

Orange= Heavy Rain

Red= Very Heavy Rain or Rain & Hail

Purple= Extremely heavy rain or hail

If you see black or white that would be the cell of the storm seek shelter that is a 100% chance of a tornado.


the news of blizz is horrible. lots of bad news of offenses. they better crack down on all these people i guess that have been sex offending and harassing and make equality real.

i am a sinner. but only in fantasies or physically alone. Jesus Christ said that’s no different from really doing it, in the Bible. I don’t know if I will be punished someday for fantasies, or in the afterlife. I’m already a broke nobody with no job who lives off ssdi. i dunno.

I hope good people win at Blizzard and peace justice and hope reign.


Well got my 2nd shot

I can see though some walls and levitate now