GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“At least you get to remember your dreams.”


Not all the time. In fact, I’ve learned that when I do remember dreams, it’s a sign of an incoming creative burst but can also have a pretty important message as it did tonight.

The last time I had a dream like this, I laid out, started, but never finished a novella about the end of the universe nd time and what it means to really care about people.

Interestingly enough, that dream was similar to this one in that I, as the protagonist, was so wrapped up in responisbiltu and taking everything so super seriously, I almost missed the lesson until it was far too late.

I should make time to start that project again.


I just want the dream back where I am in the rabbit house and find the Eat Me cookie. That was a fun one.

it was up until people were threatening to burn me down.


i had a dream about something this morning but I do not remember it.


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Seeing some of the threads about the new cinmatic reveal - this is a timely choice of words :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

/wanders off looking for coffee and a “writing for dummies” book to gift to bliz


hi all!
just popping in to say that the move was a total nightmare, and every day brings a new drama… but i’m in!
finally got the internet connected today… after much hassle.
(i think they just thought i was some old biddy who needed a lesson in how to “turn it off and back on again”… but it took their tech 3 hours of work, and re-routing lines from the main pit) :crazy_face:

i ache all over, am still waiting on furniture deliveries, there are boxes all over the place, but chipping away at them at a reasonable rate.
we’ve just come out of lockdown today, so i took my massive list to the hardware store and dropped a bunch of money on stuff for repairs.

i’m planning on having some downtime tomorrow, because… i deserve it!


Happy Wednesday!!
Enjoy forum updating day!!


I am trying not to think about what is going on in the rest of the forum atm. Too stressful.


Oo yes, seems to have gotten worse.

Is ok, stay inside here with us sane cats :slight_smile:


Sane isn’t the choice of word I would use to describe myself.

I think I am ok though.

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Is ok, we’re all a little mad here :slight_smile:


I am bonkers. Wait is there a difference?


Doctor downgrading me back to advil - I guess he thinks the shoulder is progressing :rofl: owie


My parents were recovering from surgery recent and when they had to go down on medication that was some of the hardest time.

Gives surfy a big hug.

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Only if a certain someone shows up for tea

(and she get a lil cranky sometimes )

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Is probably for the best for me - there is progress, I just kind of got used to not struggling to sleep the last couple days


Carful. If she does show up evil Alice will too.

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looks like a bear sneaked in to the tea party as well


pokes his head out of Surfy’s pocket, frowns, and growls at Surfy’s shoulder like a vicious but totally cuddly otter

You better get better soon shoulder! Or no tasty :bear::sandwich: for you!

gives Surfy a tasty :bear::sandwich: for lunch and whispers, don’t share it with your shoulder until it promises to get better!

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from Imgflip Meme Generator

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